View Full Version : Low GFR

21-11-22, 08:06
I know I deleted my last post. Just felt in complete despair. I don't understand how my kidney function could go from normal to low in one week. I've not had my repeat blood test, I have got an appointment with my gp on Friday.
I just feel that my levels wont go up again.

21-11-22, 13:04
Has anyone had this

21-11-22, 16:15
You had lots of good replies on your deleted posts so maybe take the advice from them.

21-11-22, 19:31
I know. At the weekend before I had the second lot of blood tests, I had a massive argument with my sister and was hysterical, would this have damaged my kidneys and given me the low reading

21-11-22, 19:45

You just have to wait for that routine repeat blood test,pb. Sorry but no one can give you any answers on here.

21-11-22, 20:15
It can be low just from being dehydrated the day you took the test. Try not to worry too much about it, and just wait till your repeat test. The human body fluctuates all day every day. I had dodgy kidney results one time because I'd not had enough water that day.

22-11-22, 08:59
Thank you for your replies

26-11-22, 08:15
I couldn't face the kidney blood test or my gp appointment, so I still don't know if my kidney function has gone back up.
I've just spent days googling low kidney function
I've booked a new gp appointment for the 12th December, I will try to have the blood test.
I know no one can give me answers, the result could just be a blip as the blood test the week before was ok, but I am anemic.
I still keep thinking that the massive argument I had with my sister the weekend before the test caused my blood pressure to spike and has permanently damaged my kidneys.
My plan today is not to Google, I have spent weeks doing this and feel really unwell and exhausted.
Does anyone know of any good films or series to watch on Netflix or sky ? Thank you x

26-11-22, 20:47
I've failed my plan not to Google today.
I have spent all day googling low kidney function, has this made me feel better - NO. I cant control my anxiety and fears.
The blood test form I've got says low egfr, so there must be a problem, I doubt my levels will go up. My sister who drinks and smokes has just had perfect blood results. I know I'm ranting, my level is not going to get better , I know...

26-11-22, 21:37
You don't know anything re this particular blood test, pb. Your GP isn't worried. It could just be a blip? These things happen and there is no explanation. If you have too many blood tests done you open yourself up to incidental findings which are irrelevant.

27-11-22, 08:56
You don't know anything re this particular blood test, pb. Your GP isn't worried. It could just be a blip? These things happen and there is no explanation. If you have too many blood tests done you open yourself up to incidental findings which are irrelevant.
Thank you, I'm going to have a better day today. Still worried that all this stress has damaged my kidneys, but no googling x

27-11-22, 14:18
I don't think that's at all likely..Even Dr Google might have problems making that link!

I hope you have a better day away from health websites and relentless "researching"You have done so well..Remember all you have learned about putting a check on HA spiralling?

27-11-22, 15:51
Thank you, I'm going to have a better day today. Still worried that all this stress has damaged my kidneys, but no googling x

Nope, it wouldn't work like that :)

27-11-22, 18:52
That happened to me. I had eaten meatballs before the test. Cooked red meat will do this. Google it. I repeated the test a few days later with no cooked meat for a day and it was back to normal.

27-11-22, 19:48
Don't google anything, pb?! I know lauren meant well but best to stay well away from temptation!

01-12-22, 19:14
I live with a disabled person who shouts insults at me constantly, and I can always feel my blood pressure rising, almost every day at least once,.... and yes I know that over my lifetime, this might have a ~small~ detrimental effect on my health, like it might make me like 0.000001% more likely to have a heart attack or something,.... but my kidneys work just fine and I don't worry about it. :)

Also a few numbers on your blood test will always be slightly out of the proper range, the body is complex and fluctuating. If your doctor isn't worrying about it, neither should you. Remember that the doctor's ~job~ is to interpret blood tests and judge whether something is really wrong. You haven't been to medical school, why would you think you knew more than the doctor, who has been medical school?

I would just try to forget about it, and wait til your next ~regularly scheduled, routine~ blood test. AND DO NOT GOOGLE!!!

11-12-22, 11:50
I'm struggling with going back to have a repeat blood test for my kidney function. Its now been nine weeks since my gp said to have a repeat test.
I have a drs appointment tomorrow morning, but I've not had the blood test. Part of me is worried that I may have a kidney problem that is going to get worse if I leave it. I'm scared of facing up to this. My life is pretty rubbish and caring for my parents has definitely taken its toll on me.

11-12-22, 13:50
Do you think there's much point in seeing the doctor if you haven't had the repeat test done though? Could you use the appt to talk about your fear of a kidney issue and get him/her to explain the possible reasons why you may have had a low reading?

Are you finding that carer duties make your HA worse?

12-12-22, 15:49
Do you think there's much point in seeing the doctor if you haven't had the repeat test done though? Could you use the appt to talk about your fear of a kidney issue and get him/her to explain the possible reasons why you may have had a low reading?

Are you finding that carer duties make your HA worse?

I cancelled my drs appointment today, as your right theres no point as I've not had the blood test.
Caring for my parents definitely increases my stress.Today I went food shopping and ended up crying in the ladies as I felt so overwhelmed and lonely. On top of this I feel that my health has gone and i have nothing to look forward to.

14-12-22, 17:33
Still so stressed, I no I'm prolonging the stress by not having the blood test.
From the age of 13 - 18, I was convinced I had a brain tumour and was going to die.
I felt totally unsupported and bullied by everyone as a child. Every Christmas I believed was going to be my last. I believe this has caused real trauma and has contributed to my HA.
I've had counselling, and cbt but always feel like I don't really deserve anything. I cant remember if I've talked about this on here and I know I've posted alot about my health.

14-12-22, 19:53
It sounds as though your childhood was very unhappy. Do your parents and siblings know just how much you suffered? Could you ever talk to them or were they just dismissive?

As regards the blood test, why not book it for the New Year? Get Xmas over with first? That will be stressful enough, I'm sure?

I'm so sorry that you are in such despair. You have done so well recently with your HA. It's when you feel really low and vulnerable that the thoughts crowd in and overwhelm you xx

16-12-22, 19:51
Still so stressed, I no I'm prolonging the stress by not having the blood test.
From the age of 13 - 18, I was convinced I had a brain tumour and was going to die.
I felt totally unsupported and bullied by everyone as a child. Every Christmas I believed was going to be my last. I believe this has caused real trauma and has contributed to my HA.
I've had counselling, and cbt but always feel like I don't really deserve anything. I cant remember if I've talked about this on here and I know I've posted alot about my health.
I am going to wait until after Christmas now to have the blood test.
Feel really alone with no support.
Christmas always brings sad memories, although my lovely nan who died a while ago now use to make it feel magical.
My family especially my sister never try to.understand me or understand that I just need them to care.

22-12-22, 23:57
I posted a thread yesterday about having a red area near my nail on my big toe and some pain and automatically jumped to gout. Later on I deleted the post, as I realised this was my HA talking and if I had gout I would be in alot of pain. I have been reading past threads to try to get some perspective on my current kidney fears. I don't know why my kidney function dropped in a week, but I do know I was asked to repeat my blood test, the receptionist called twice to request a repeat kidney function test.
My kidney function may have gone back up or it could be worse. If I had the test I would know. I'm tired and emotional. I do have anemia that is not being treated yet as they need to find out why, hence all the original blood tests. I've spent all evening googling, which just makes things worse..

24-12-22, 07:47
So stressed, lonely and scared

24-12-22, 08:13
I imagine that Christmas is a really hard time for you, pb? All the "happy families" hype when I expect the reality for you with 2 aged parents to care for is very different?

My advice re the kidney blood test would be to get it done asap after New Year. The main issue is the untreated anaemia. I get that you're scared of the uncertainty but I often find that once I actually do the test and get it out of the way then I actually feel better and more able to deal with any consequences.

Your anaemia will be contributing to your low mood and exhaustion..as will relentless googling but it's pointless to warn you if you're hellbent on doing it.

Do you have any good things planned for Xmas? Seeing your nieces?

24-12-22, 12:07
I imagine that Christmas is a really hard time for you, pb? All the "happy families" hype when I expect the reality for you with 2 aged parents to care for is very different?

My advice re the kidney blood test would be to get it done asap after New Year. The main issue is the untreated anaemia. I get that you're scared of the uncertainty but I often find that once I actually do the test and get it out of the way then I actually feel better and more able to deal with any consequences.

Your anaemia will be contributing to your low mood and exhaustion..as will relentless googling but it's pointless to warn you if you're hellbent on doing it.

Do you have any good things planned for Xmas? Seeing your nieces?

Thank you for your reply.
I've been out for a walk and have also made some pancakes, so feeling abit better (although I've not mastered making good pancakes! )
I will definitely have the blood test in the new year, I had to speak to the doctor about my mums kidney function and she said lots of things can affect the level, so the result may be a blip, especially as the test the week before was normal. ( I didnt ask about my result). I'm going to try hard not to google.
Your right I need to get treatment for my anemia.
Were going to my brother's for Christmas day and my sisters for boxing day, so this will be a break.
Best wishes x

12-01-23, 10:23
I'm really in a bad way. I'm still trying to go to my gp to discuss my low kidney function result, but I now have pain in my joints. It started in my knees and elbows, then my hip, then one shoulder and now both shoulders. I use to get alot of joint pain, but not really had a bad flare for many years. I was once told it maybe fibromyalgia, but can it go for so many years and then come back. I have made another doctors appointment for next Friday, I really need to go.

14-01-23, 16:52
I'm really struggling. I have pain in my right shoulder and hip at the moment.Can fibromyalgia just affect one side and move around. I have a plan, I will see gp on Friday. I feel that I'm doomed to have the rest of my life in pain and with lots of illness.
I have had problems with my right hip in the past. My mum has had polymyalgia rheumatica in the past that affected her shoulders. Google is evil.. But I'm in alot of pain. I've not even dealt with my kidney function.. My sister doesnt help, its hard with my parents..

15-01-23, 07:26
Can anyone help?

15-01-23, 08:13
Anxiety will make pain feel worse as you know. I'm not sure how easy it would be at your surgery to see a GP on a specific day unless it is an emergency? Why not ring the surgery tomorrow morning and see if they can offer you a telephone appointment in the morning or afternoon to discuss how you feel? You've been here before and have talked about these pains on here so why not look back and read all the advice given again? Remember how you moved on from catastrophising and how you did really well using therapy techniques to stop you spiralling? I don't want to discuss your symptoms on here as I don't think symptom talk and comparisons help manage HA. You need some strategies and a plan in my opinion. To make you feel safer and more in control xx

18-01-23, 11:42
Can anyone help?

Hi pb, i used to be a assistant practioner in a urology clinic so i know a little bit about everything :D, so one EGFR test is not the end of the world, you need a series of them done 2 or 3 at best, mine was low once then next test bounced back up.
The human body is a funny old chap really, you see we have these these lab values that are a snap shot of the population, and we call normal the ones in a bracket lets say with EGFR it is 90> this mean anything above 90mmols is normal range, but lets say the guy or girl below the reference range the lab uses stays at 80 for the rest of their life and this never causes an issue, EGFR is a good tool but that is all it is, and it can be affected by many things, body mass, hydration, electrolyte balance to name a few, gold standard is a 24HR urine test, but i digress you are not at that point yet as a repeat may show you bounce back up :yesyes:. Google is an idiot, and the american health organisation is unlike the NHS dependant on selling poeple medical treatment, procedures, and meds, they pay Google vast sums of money to put medical information without taking into consideration patient history at the top of searches, so stop the Googling as it doesnt know your background or very very unique anatomy.

I hope this helps, and get the test done :yesyes:.

God Bless.

18-01-23, 20:33
Hi pb, i used to be a assistant practioner in a urology clinic so i know a little bit about everything :D, so one EGFR test is not the end of the world, you need a series of them done 2 or 3 at best, mine was low once then next test bounced back up.
The human body is a funny old chap really, you see we have these these lab values that are a snap shot of the population, and we call normal the ones in a bracket lets say with EGFR it is 90> this mean anything above 90mmols is normal range, but lets say the guy or girl below the reference range the lab uses stays at 80 for the rest of their life and this never causes an issue, EGFR is a good tool but that is all it is, and it can be affected by many things, body mass, hydration, electrolyte balance to name a few, gold standard is a 24HR urine test, but i digress you are not at that point yet as a repeat may show you bounce back up :yesyes:. Google is an idiot, and the american health organisation is unlike the NHS dependant on selling poeple medical treatment, procedures, and meds, they pay Google vast sums of money to put medical information without taking into consideration patient history at the top of searches, so stop the Googling as it doesnt know your background or very very unique anatomy.

I hope this helps, and get the test done :yesyes:.

God Bless.

Thank you for your reply, I am going to have the blood test.

19-01-23, 07:52
Well done. Just bite the bullet and get it done. You've had a very helpful and informative reply from Ben who obviously has far more working medical knowledge than Dr Google.

19-01-23, 15:53
Well done. Just bite the bullet and get it done. You've had a very helpful and informative reply from Ben who obviously has far more working medical knowledge than Dr Google.
Thank you

03-02-23, 04:08
Finally went back to the drs and saw another gp. She said my gfr is only slightly low. I didnt have the follow up blood test but will have one in 6 weeks. I've now got iron tablets for my anemia.

03-02-23, 08:05
Well done for going back and for getting a face to face explanation which I hope has helped your fears about the GFR result?

The blood test in 6 weeks will be more to look at the anaemia after taking the iron tablets, presumably? I hope you feel better mentally after the appointment and treating the anaemia could well improve things all round x