View Full Version : Convinced I have bowel cancer

21-11-22, 08:51
I can't stop crying and going out of my mind with worry. I seem to developed what I now know is called Tesmenus. I got to the toilet at my normal time in the morning then after a while I need a again but nothing comes out. I have massive piles from having my little girl last year and at first I thought it might be them but why would I just start having this symptom? I'm trying my Hardest not to focus on it as I know my anxiety is making it worse by thinking about it all the time. It's all I think about all day and I can't take it anymore. I've got children to take care of and this is ruining my life

21-11-22, 09:42
I can't stop crying and going out of my mind with worry. I seem to developed what I now know is called Tesmenus. I got to the toilet at my normal time in the morning then after a while I need a again but nothing comes out. I have massive piles from having my little girl last year and at first I thought it might be them but why would I just start having this symptom? I'm trying my Hardest not to focus on it as I know my anxiety is making it worse by thinking about it all the time. It's all I think about all day and I can't take it anymore. I've got children to take care of and this is ruining my life

What's your poo like? Are you constipated etc.

Given that you clearly have anxiety, the most likely cause would be something like IBS.

Why do you think you have bowel cancer?

21-11-22, 09:57
My poo is normal maybe a bit looser than usual. I was constipated a couple of weeks ago which is what I thought this was but it's stuck around. The reason I'm fearing bowel cancer is that was the first thing that popped up when I searched these symptoms. My Anxiety can't think rationally at the minute

21-11-22, 10:06
My poo is normal maybe a bit looser than usual. I was constipated a couple of weeks ago which is what I thought this was but it's stuck around. The reason I'm fearing bowel cancer is that was the first thing that popped up when I searched these symptoms. My Anxiety can't think rationally at the minute

The most likely cause is IBS or a tummy bug, not cancer.

When Googling symptoms, I find it helpful to add 'and anxiety'. I literally just did this, and the first hit was IBS.

If you're concerned, go see your GP who will be able to reassure you.

P'S, my IBS started after I had children.

21-11-22, 17:19
I was doing well this morning then went for lunch and it started again. When I came home I went to the toilet twice and did actually have a bowel movement which was a relief. I feel so drained with fear. I just wish the feeling would go but I don't see that happening with the anxiety that I have

21-11-22, 20:57
I can't stop crying and going out of my mind with worry. I seem to developed what I now know is called Tesmenus. I got to the toilet at my normal time in the morning then after a while I need a again but nothing comes out. I have massive piles from having my little girl last year and at first I thought it might be them but why would I just start having this symptom? I'm trying my Hardest not to focus on it as I know my anxiety is making it worse by thinking about it all the time. It's all I think about all day and I can't take it anymore. I've got children to take care of and this is ruining my life

Tenesmus can be connected to weakened pelvic floor muscles and tightness. The piles will make things feel worse. has a doctor diagnosed you with tenesmus or have you done your own google research?

22-11-22, 21:36
No I just Googled my symptoms and it came up. I had an ok day then tonight the urge came on and I went to the bathroom strained so much my piles were huge and purple with straining (sorry tmi) after that I had a major panic attack. My husband thought I was being ridiculous but this feels so horrible having this sensation

23-11-22, 06:39
No I just Googled my symptoms and it came up.

So, a self-diagnosis. (You need a GP, not Dr Google)

I had an ok day then tonight the urge came on and I went to the bathroom strained so much my piles were huge and purple with straining (sorry tmi) after that I had a major panic attack.

Sounds like you need a flush out. Try some magnesium citrate. It will make your poo a bit runny but you won't strain.

Also, given that you have graphically described your piles, do I take it that you've got the mirror out checking your bum hole? :huh:

My husband thought I was being ridiculous but this feels so horrible having this sensation

You are being irrational, but that's the nature of the HA beast.

This sensation is unpleasant, so address the symptom. Scaring yourself silly on Google will only make you more anxious which will make the problem worse as stress directly affects the digestive system.

23-11-22, 08:21
You've got to avoid straining at all costs as Nora says...Speak to your GP and see if he will give you some advice re the piles? Your sphincter muscle will tighten and spasm and give you this feeling of "tenesmus" ..Believe me, I know how uncomfortable this is! It gets worse if you panic though. Do get some proper medical advice and don't strain!!!!

06-12-22, 16:10
Well after being doing great for a week I'm back to feeling this pressure and urge to poop. Now I'm back to feeling low and depressed thinking the worst. If it was something serious would the symptoms go away then come back? I'm back to see my gp in 2 days and was hoping I'd still be doing well

07-12-22, 08:02
If it was something serious would the symptoms go away then come back?

Realistically speaking, if you have a tumour in your colon that's causing symptoms, it's only going to keep growing so the likelihood is that issues would not only persist, but they'd worsen.

However, symptoms do come and go with IBS.

So, what were you doing differently when you were 'doing great for a week'?

07-12-22, 16:58
I kept myself busy and distracted myself by doing things with my kids. I know it myself that I need to do the same again

08-12-22, 06:25
I kept myself busy and distracted myself by doing things with my kids. I know it myself that I need to do the same again

Distraction helps, but only in the short-term. We can busy ourselves all we like, but - as you're discovering - those fears soon resurface. The HA never went away because you didn't sort this issue out. You went with avoidant behaviour, and that will only ever be the proverbial sticking plaster on a wound that needs stitches.

We can medicate to dampen the physical symptoms from anxiety, and we can distract ourselves from having to think, but sooner or later, we will be triggered, and off we go again, right?

Ultimately, confronting our irrational fears, learning how to challenge our thoughts, and accepting death as the inevitability that it is for every living being, (but also that illness doesn't equal death - especially in the times we live in) is the only way to effectively deal with HA.

12-12-22, 11:15
I was back seeing my gp last Thursday and she done bloods and I also done a qfit Test. She told me if anything would come up she will call me and I won't need to call up for results. I am seeing her again in 4 weeks to review my increase on Sertaline. But I don't know whether to call this week for the results as I am worried sick about them. What if they come back abnormal? I won't cope

12-12-22, 11:25
You'll cope with whatever happens, I promise.

16-12-22, 16:47
Well the blood test and stool sample are normal. So why am I still worried!

16-12-22, 17:53
Why do you think you are? Something has been "missed"? If so this is classic HA.

16-12-22, 19:26
Just to add, try to eat a high fibre diet. Plenty of soft fruits like oranges, kiwis and wholegrains like porridge. This will help with the straining and reduce pressure on the piles and are good for the digestive system in general. Then of course you have certain creams available to ease itching and reduce their size.

And yes Google will come up with the worst possible scenario. Every - single - time.

17-12-22, 00:37
I would guess this is from the combination of the piles and your pelvic floor if you just recently had a baby. I have both piles and a crappy pelvic floor and this happens to me sometimes if my pooping schedule gets thrown off and I'm constipated or have multiple bowl movements. My piles get irritated, which causes more tension in the area, which causes my pelvic floor to spasm and I get the same feeling you're having. The absolute best thing you can do for this in your situation is NEVER STRAIN. You will make the piles so much worse, which will just start this whole cycle. Also try to relax your pelvic floor - I like to lay on the floor on my back and raise my hips up while keeping my back flat. You might also consider pelvic floor physical therapy. I've gone on and off and it can help a lot of things things are feeling weird.

17-12-22, 09:19
Well the blood test and stool sample are normal. So why am I still worried!

Because you have HA that's not being addressed and that's why you can't accept that there's nothing majorly wrong with you.

What usually happens is that presume something's been missed or we move onto a different disease and have more tests (all coming back normal) repeat, repeat, repeat until we've basically had a full body MOT and there's nowhere to go aside working on our anxiety and accepting that, one, we're mortal, and two, illness doesn't equal death.

As long as your anxiety is high, you will get symptoms. Your digestive system will be unsettled, (and for a time after, even if you were to calm down today).

Work on the physical symptoms. Work on the thoughts which are creating/amplifying them.