View Full Version : Spinning

22-11-22, 09:03
So I generally look in the background I just read other peoples posts because it gives me some kind of comfort other people are going through what I’ve been through and it’s reassuring to me. Sunday morning I woke up with my head spinning so everything was jumping around my first thought was obviously brain tumour because that’s what we do isn’t it we jumped a brain tumour but I know realistically it probably wasn’t that isn’t that I’ve had an ear infection earlier in the week that I didn’t get checked out by the doctors but it was an ear infection and also a very very heavy cold And speaking to Dr Google and getting past all the really serious repercussions I realised that in all probability it’s caused by my ear infection and my cold and also about my severe anxiety who knew anxiety can cause dizziness and spinning I guess I just want some reassurance from people that this is normal and they will go away so if you could come back to me I would be grateful like I say I very rarely post on other peoples timelines but if you could on mine I would be most grateful thank you

22-11-22, 09:25
I can relate with waking up and my head spinning,mine was due to a inner ear infection and high blood pressure.I never thought of a brain tumor and didn’t Dr Google, I was lucky enough to see my gp that day and got a diagnosis along with antibiotics,blood pressure pills and an appointment the following week.Anxiety also gives me the same symptoms.

22-11-22, 09:33
Thank you