View Full Version : Pulsatile Tinnitus - worried re aneurysm

22-11-22, 17:20
Hi all. I keep hearing my pulse in both of my ears when I walk up the stairs and when I'm lying in bed at night and it's quiet. I'm worried after googling it that it could be a sign of an unruptured aneurysm.

The other reason I'm a bit worried is because I had this thing when I was pregnant that I would see my pulse in my vision if I was in a brightly lit room. It's quite hard to describe but the room would sort of dim and brighten in time with my pulse. Coupled with this I went to the GP about something completely unrelated recently and what I thought was very routine and she found a heart murmur so now I have to find out why I have that too.

My question is: I had a brain MRI 2 years ago, how quickly do aneursyms grow - if I had one would it have been picked up 2 years ago or do I need to go back to the doctor to get it checked out?

Many thanks in advance for any help!

22-11-22, 19:32
I have positional pulsatile tinnitus and it turns out to have to do with my anatomy being 'a normal variant'. I had an MRI to prove that to myself. :) I'd follow up regarding the overall situation you're having, of course, but it's my understanding that aneurysms are usually slow growing, and so if they saw nothing 2 years ago, you can likely ease your mind on that front. Pregnancy, early mornings, and stress all do things to blood pressure (either too high, too low, or big swings,) and that could explain what you're describing. Still, though, I wouldn't immediately freak out, just follow your doctor's advice; they're going to know what to look for much better than Google. :) Good luck!!

22-11-22, 21:10
Seconding kyllikki on getting it checked out, but not panicking. It can be caused by a variety of completely benign things, so don't jump to the worst conclusion. Google doesn't really get nuance, so you're only going to get worst case scenarios. Best thing you can do is bring it up with your GP, let them know how long its been going on, what sets it off, and how much it's been bothering you :)

I used to get it all the time after exercise, and I still do now and again if I've pushed myself a bit too much. It would even start up randomly if I was just sitting watching TV. I've been in and out of the MRI, MRA, CT too many times to count, and had a football stadiums worth of lights shone into the back of my eyes, and it's all good in there!

23-11-22, 12:35
Thanks for both of your advice. Oddly the tinnitus seems to have stopped but instead has been replaced by an odd feeling in my neck, sort of like a vein or something is becoming full of something and then emptying. Have either of you ever had anything similar?

I am seeing the cardiologist later for an echocardiogram so at least I’ll work out what the heart murmur was. I originally went to the GP as I had been feeling lightheaded on standing but the cardiologist doesn’t think that is related to the murmur and that it’s just an incidental finding. I can’t tell you how much I hate doctors, my anxiety has been completely under control until I started feeling like this. Don’t want to spiral again but also don’t want to start a load of unnecessary investigations if nothing is wrong with me. I really don’t want an MRI as I’m feeling claustrophobic

23-11-22, 15:19
Completely understandable, Winter. Do mention all of this to the cardiologist! And best wishes.