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View Full Version : Hearing issues after clogged ears

24-11-22, 01:28

As the title suggests, I am experiencing some hearing issues after dealing with a very nasty cold/flu, or whatever else hit me.

about two and half weeks ago I came down with this awful head/chest cold, which brought a lot of mucus, phlegm, and lots of bloody nasal discharge. I was also coughing up very thick green phlegm (sorry for being graphic). Then, all of the sudden, two Saturdays ago my ears got clogged over the course of 1 hour or so. Very painful, and I could barely hear anything. That same night, clear liquid started draining from my right ear, probably due to the pressure. I was able to go to sleep after that as I was so tired.

I woke up the next morning to find out that more fluid had drained out from my right ear. Theh were both clogged, but the right one was worse. I decided to go to Urgent Care and they said that the eardrum looked fine; but prescribed amoxicilin for 7 days for an ear infection.

i took the antibiotucs religiously and also took some Sinutab along with some nasal spray to help with the congestion.

Two weeks after the initial onser of symptoms, my ears feel kinda “normal” but I still some pressure, but my main concern is that my normal range of hearing is not back. I can’t seem to be able to hear certain sounds the same way I used to. I notice it with sounds like water running, car keys making sounds, putting silverware away, almost like high pitch metally sounds. Those sounds kinda sound dull, but other sounds sound ok (voices, ambient sounds, etc).

Everytime I swallow or yawn, I can hear like my ears want to pop or something, but they never do. Its just there all the time. Has anyone experienced something similar? Will my hearing ever go back to normal? Im afraid this could be either glue ear, eustachian tube disfunction, or permanent hearing loss. I hear a constant ringing sound as well.

I’d appreciate if anyone has anything to add to this thread as I am becoming paranoid that this may be permanent.

Thank you for reading,


27-11-22, 01:21
Has no one here ever had ear issues after a cold? Am I alone in this world? After doing some digging my symptoms are identical to eustachian tube dysfunction. Has anyone ever heard of that? Any way to manage the symptoms or get better?

I’d appreciate any word of encouragement from the community.



27-11-22, 02:12
Hey Rey. I was going to say it sounds like Eustachian tube dysfunction. I’d suggest seeing an ENT who would be best able to treat it. I have TMJ and it can cause fluid to linger in my left ear. Typically it’s just time that I need. Sometimes taking an antihistamine can help dry up the fluid. And my doctor often recommends nasal spray. Good luck!

27-11-22, 07:33
This has always been the norm for me after having a cold.:shrug:

27-11-22, 19:01
Thank you Erin and Nora!

Yes, I’ve always had issues with my ears when flying, or diving a bit deep. My ears always have trouble equalizing pressure. 15 days in and my left ear still feels kinda clogged and my hearing is not at a 100%. I can tell is kinda dull/muffled. I’ve also started experiencing a bit of vertigo..

I’d go see an ENT in a heart beat but unfortunately in Canada we can just go see a specialist like that, you have to be referred. My family dr just retired and was left with no family physician. I have to go to urgent care or a walk in clinic, if anything.. Really bad timing to get sick.

Really hope this passess soon. Nora, how long do your ears stay clogged after a cold?


29-11-22, 02:16
Hey Rey! So weird I’m having the exact same issues. It’s so trapping feeling to not have full use of an ear. I’ve been doing Valsalva maneuver to open up my tube and it seems to inflate and deflate but never feels normal.

I had flu two weeks ago then strep with ear infection. Horrible pain for two days. It’s been a while since the infection cleared but this ear fullness/pressure hasn’t improved. My hearing is muffled and I’ve read it can take a very long time to clear. Some people say they get this every time they get a head cold but this is new a scary for me. I’ve read it can last 12 weeks but almost always spontaneously resolves eventually.

29-11-22, 15:08
Hey Tyler,

Very unfortunate to have to deal with something like this on top of other infections, but one thing I can say is that I started taking Reactine and Sinutab and I think it is helping clear out my ears/sinuses. Making some progress today (knock on wood). DOn't want to jynx it, but I think the combination of the two drugs might help (as I've read in other places). Maybe give it a try and see if it helps you in any way! Good luck, and I hope this clears completely for us both sooner rather than later!


29-11-22, 17:53
Ha, one of the very few benefits of our health care system.

I will say that I used to go get checked more often when it would stay full for so long and even get sore and I never had an ear infection or anything ever. It’s just that lingering fullness. So I don’t even really get it looked at anymore because it usually passes eventually.

30-11-22, 04:34
I will definitely try it!

I’d like to ask if you’ve noticed fluctuations in discomfort during the last couple weeks. Sometimes it feels like it’s getting infected again and I get terrified, but the pain subsides and hearing seems to temporarily improve a bit. Just wanting to hear from you if fluctuations in like these are normal while everything is healing up!

01-12-22, 12:27
Hi Tyler, I did have some fluctuations during the healing process, I still do actually. But ever since I started taking the antihistamines and decongestant it seems to have improved quite a bit.

One thing I noticed 2-3 days ago is what appears to be a swollen lymph node near the armpit area, but on my arm (bicep area). It is red and it was tender at the beginning (not tender anymore unless I poke it a bit). At first I thought it could be a pimple, but it does not look like any other pimple I’ve ever had. Is it normal for lymph nodes to swell and get red like that? It is small, maybe smaller than a pea, and seems to be movable… I’ve just never seen a node get like that before… could it be related to the infection I had? Its just such a random place for a node to appear like that…

anyways… thanks for reading!


01-12-22, 23:04
I don’t want to start another thread but the “lymph node” near my bicep is starting to freak me out a little. Is it normal to have one there pop up, and if so, the fact that its red a cause to be alarmed? I think I just unlocked a new fear and would like to ask this community to help me rationalize whats going on before freaking out even more. I recently lost my family dr, so going to get this checked out is more of a hassle than it would have been before.



02-12-22, 06:53
I think a single small inflamed lymph node after an infection is not a concern. Sounds very normal to me and I would just stop touching it. I’ve been there too.

Update for me - got another infection so back on a different antibiotic. Feeling better but eardrum has perforated causing pus to leak out. Feels much better but now I’ve gotta think it’s going to take quite a while to heal up ☹️

02-12-22, 07:57
Really hope this passess soon. Nora, how long do your ears stay clogged after a cold?


Several weeks...

02-12-22, 12:22
Thank you Nora. Thankfully my ears are better, but my main concern now is what I mentioned above… has anyone experienced some redness over a swollen lymph node? Is it kind of normal? Dr. Google said otherwise..


02-12-22, 21:01
I think a single small inflamed lymph node after an infection is not a concern. Sounds very normal to me and I would just stop touching it. I’ve been there too.

Update for me - got another infection so back on a different antibiotic. Feeling better but eardrum has perforated causing pus to leak out. Feels much better but now I’ve gotta think it’s going to take quite a while to heal up ☹️

Thank you for your input, Tyler! I'm really trying not to worry but that sounds like an impossible task to us HA sufferers.

I'm sorry to heat about your perforated eardrum! although the relief from getting all of that out the middle ear must feel good in a way? I hope this resolves for you quickly!

I will go to a walk-in clinic tomorrow to have whatever this is on my arm looked after, I know I won't be 100% at ease unless I'm told by a doctor so might as well go...



04-12-22, 17:10
Well, went to a walk-in clinic today, ears are fine, although the left one is fully compacted with wax.

The physician assistant checked the lump on my arm and said its likely a sebaceous/epidermoid cyst. It is red and tender to the touch, which might indicate infection, but said to leave it alone for awek or so, and if it persists to go back..

Has anyone here had one of those cysts? Should I be worried?

