View Full Version : Blood In Urine

23-11-07, 15:53
hi everyone
i,m really worried as i went to the docs today as i have been feeling sick its like a churning feeling and feeling off my food (which i really can,t afford to do as i,m only 9 1/2 stone as it is)
so my doctor said she wanted to check my urine and it came up with traces of blood,so she has sent it off to the lab,and said to phone for the results at the start of next week
has anyone ever had this before as i,m really worried,she also said about having more bloods taken to check my liver and kidneys.
i dont know wether my sick feeling and churning stomach is due to anxiety or something else
i would be really grateful if anyone could reply:)
i feel as though im going round the bend with all this worry

23-11-07, 16:02
Not 10 days ago my sister had exactly what you have just described and even had to call the doctor out as she was also in a lot of pain - it turned out she had a bladder infection and needed a course of antibiotics and is now sorted out!!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

23-11-07, 16:05

Yep i had this many times , its a clear sign of a bladder infection DONT worry i am sure a course of antibiotics will soon clear it up

lots of rest and drink lots of water


23-11-07, 16:19
Hear hear.

My immediate reaction is Urinary Tract Infection. Could well be Cystitis or something similar. They are soooo common in women, and very easy to treat. If there was something seriously wrong I would expect your urine to show up much more than just a trace of blood.

Sometimes urine samples show up abnormalities just because of a contaminated sample.

It's good that your GP is checking it out though.

I'm sure it's nothing to worry about - just wait for the results and try not to fret :flowers: xxx

23-11-07, 16:23

i've had many a sample show traces of blood, then when its sent to the lab it comes back as clear - its to do with contaminated sample as someone else said.
At worse it will be an infection needing antibiotics, which i have had too,

love anx xx

23-11-07, 17:11
a big thankyou for your replies
i just hope this is why i,m feeling so sick,because the churning feeling is horrible!!!!!!!1
thanks again

23-11-07, 19:43
I had symptoms like yours,and then was wiped out by a horrible kidney infection - big clots in my wee and everything - absolutely horrible. Antibiotics sorted me out pronto though - at least your doc is being thorough, too!

23-11-07, 19:58
I have this every time I do a urine sample.

They send it off and it comes back normal so I reckon the "dip sticks" they do at the docs are rubbish !

23-11-07, 20:32
Ever since they introduced those dratted dip test sticks for urine samples 20 yeras ago I always get a result that says trace of blood/protein and white blood cells and then the sample goes away for testing for infection and all clear. I have leaky kidneys which loads of people have it is nothing it just means that your kidney filters are big and let things through as above.

I had ultrasound of kidneys and bladder many times and all normal. As urologist says I won't get though A&E quickly because of always getting these results - I always have to say before they do the test that they will get traces of blahbahblah.

Otherwise you could of course have a urine/kidney infection. If the sample comes back clear for infection then your Dr may want an ultrasound of kidneys etc just to be certain nothing wrong there.

24-11-07, 11:07
thankyou all
its a great place to come and know that we are not alone in our worries
thanks again