View Full Version : The Flu has arrived

26-11-22, 22:54
Ugh. This morning, my 8 year old tested positive for the flu and now I’ve got an increasingly worsening cough. I’m feeling very anxious because we didn’t get flu shots this year. We just never got around to it! I keep hearing how horrible the flu is this year and this cough has moved through my lungs in a matter of hours. My daughter is miserable and had a 102.4 fever last night.

I’m so worried that one or both of us will get severely ill since we didn’t get the vaccine. She’s never had the flu and I haven’t had it since the swine flu in 2009.

I guess I’m just looking for some good vibes and positive messages.

26-11-22, 23:27
Well, I don't know your health background, but I do know that the vast majority of people who catch the flu come through it just fine. My advice is to rest up, take paracetamol and/or ibuprofen if you can and if you feel you need to, and just ride it out. I'm sure you'll both be fine.

26-11-22, 23:34
Well, I don't know your health background, but I do know that the vast majority of people who catch the flu come through it just fine. My advice is to rest up, take paracetamol and/or ibuprofen if you can and if you feel you need to, and just ride it out. I'm sure you'll both be fine.

Thank you. I never used to worry so much about the flu. I guess the last few years of Covid has gotten to me and the idea of getting a respiratory virus having not been vaccinated is freaking me out! But both of us have had a flu shot every other year for the last 9 years and neither are in a high risk group. I’m overweight, but that seems to me more a Covid risk factor than flu.

26-11-22, 23:50
I don't like to talk as if I'm an expert because I'm not, and I think the medical profession generally feels like we as a society downplay the flu and its impacts too much. It's not a common cold and some people do suffer long term effects or worse because of it. I'm not saying this to scare you, I'm saying it more because I don't want to appear guilty of downplaying what can be a nasty infection. However, I think the point is that this is an anxiety forum where people can spiral out of control or get into a panic where such a reaction is not necessary. Flu should be respected, but there is no need to throw in a layer of worry and anxiety on top of it. Most people do make full recoveries.

27-11-22, 01:06
Understood. I let the pediatrician know and I’ll contact my doctor tomorrow since my cough is getting worse. My brain just unlocked a new fear - getting Covid and the flu at the same time. The symptoms I have now are almost identical to my early Covid symptoms, so I’m like - what if I have Covid and my daughter has the flu and then we give them to each other and have both, which can’t be good!

Here I am catastrophizing. We had a day out together to the science center in Baltimore, a place we used to spend so much time at before covid. We hadn’t been since before covid and we had such a fun time. And then 6 days later the flu. I’m just feeling so discouraged and so mad at myself for not making the vaccine a priority.

27-11-22, 02:31
one or both of us will get severely ill since we didn’t get the vaccine.

I wouldn't worry about that at all. The one year I got a flu vaccine I was sick as a dog all winter.

You'll be fine with rest, fluids, tylenol or advil, and lots of TV & movies.

27-11-22, 13:19
I wouldn't worry about that at all. The one year I got a flu vaccine I was sick as a dog all winter.

You'll be fine with rest, fluids, tylenol or advil, and lots of TV & movies.

That’s my plan! This is pretty horrific. I’m much sicker than when I had Covid! But hopefully it runs it’s course a bit faster.

27-11-22, 22:43
Ugh. 102.7 with naproxen and acetaminophen. Cross your fingers it starts coming down soon!!

28-11-22, 18:40
My fever went down, thankfully. But then I came down with THE WORST tooth pain I have ever had in my life. I have a problem tooth on the top left and think the inflammation is putting pressure on the nerve. It’s agony. I’ll get a little bit of relief randomly and then it just comes back full force. Horrendous. And I can’t go get it checked because I have the flu. Fingers crossed it improves as my congestion does. This is a nightmare.

28-11-22, 19:42
Could you take ibuprofen (I'm sorry, I don't know the correct US term)?

28-11-22, 21:13
I could have written this post myself!

I'm up in Canada, and this year there is a NASTY bug going around. About a month ago or so my son caught something at daycare and he was pretty ill for about a week. He then passed it on to me, and I was the sickest I've been in years! worst cough I've ever had, lots and lots of mucus, and it then went to my ears (posted about it actually). I still have a bit of a cough and my hearing is not back to normal, but most of my symptoms did resolve after about 8-10 days I wanna say. I didn't have a fever (thankfully) but I was prescribed antibiotics for an apparent middle ear infection. Then my son got sick again, and this time it was a lot worse. This time he constantly had a fever (about 5-7 days) and we had to go to the ER a couple of times due to his inability to catch his breath with all the coughing. They said that he also had "croup" which I've never heard of in my entire life.. Anyways, he did recover and we are doing much better! hang in there, drink plenty of fluids, rest as much as you can, try to manage the symptoms at home and let this nasty virus run its course. Best of luck!


29-11-22, 17:45
Thanks for the responses, folks!

I’ve been drowning in every pain killer. When the tooth pain was so bad nothing was touching it. Thankfully the truly intense tooth pain subsided. It still aches/throbs on and off, but it’s more manageable and I’m hoping it will completely go once my sinuses clear.

I still feel really awful on day 4. My daughter is on day 5 and also still so sick. Hopefully we turn the corner soon!

Rey - croup is very scary! The sound of the cough and losing their breath. My daughter on my had it once but the doctor said when it happens to have them stand and breath in the cold air from the freezer or go outside if it’s a very cold day. That can kind of instantly reduce the inflammation and help them catch their breath. We also did a cool mist humidifier in her room when she had it and that helped a lot.

29-11-22, 20:37
Thanks for the responses, folks!

Rey - croup is very scary! The sound of the cough and losing their breath. My daughter on my had it once but the doctor said when it happens to have them stand and breath in the cold air from the freezer or go outside if it’s a very cold day. That can kind of instantly reduce the inflammation and help them catch their breath. We also did a cool mist humidifier in her room when she had it and that helped a lot.

Yes! we were told the same at the ER (to go outside for a bit when the cough was really bad, its cold up here so no need to stick his head in the freezer lol). We also got a humidifier for his room and it did help, as you mentioned!.

Hope you and your little one get better soon! It will surely pass in no time. Hang in there!
