View Full Version : Was this a panic attack? Please help

27-11-22, 13:30
Hi there
I am wondering if any one could help as I think I’ve had a panic attack but not sure. I do suffer from pretty severe anxiety and always have but haven’t had panic attacks before.
I have been very anxious in recent days though.
I was sat doing something on the computer when suddenly I felt slightly disassociated and panicky. It was very brief and my husband walked in and I said I was pleased he was there as I’d had a funny turn.
I then started wondering if it could have been a heart attack so googled the symptoms. As I googled I saw that in women a sense of doom and left arm pain can be a symptom and as I read it I thought possibly my arm hurt and my whole body was suddenly swept up in an intense sense of fear. I told my husband he’d need to help me as I felt I was dying and I quickly went outside and took some deep breaths as I was convinced I was a goner. I felt better after about 1 minute and went and lay on the sofa but still felt nervous.
Took my pulse and it was normal but my hands and feet felt cold and clammy.
I calmed down quickly (I reckon the whole thing lasted 7 mins tops) although I had a headache and felt kind of traumatised for the rest of the day.
I didn’t have any pain at any point and feel fine today.
But it was just scary how this sense of total terror came from nowhere and now I’m terrified it will happen again.
Does this sound like a panic attack?
Thank you

27-11-22, 22:49
Does this sound like a panic attack?

Indeed it does. (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/panicattack)


28-11-22, 11:29
Yes. 100% in my opinion. :hugs: