View Full Version : Feeling like I am going to choke- sick of everything now

27-11-22, 19:42
I am writing because right now I am deciding between calling 111/ going to A&E after spending 6 hours there already yesterday or curling up in the corner crying, letting whatever faith befall me because I just can't deal with it anymore...

I have been feeling sick for a few days - low grade fever, sinus pain, blocked nose and general congestion, tickle that occasionally makes me cough and hurt my ribs even though It only happens a few times a day! The chest tightness was so uncomfortable yesterday and I have not been sick for a long time before, so I was really worried it came down to my chest and had to get it checked out. Apparently the chest were clear.
Today I woke up feeling better, nose was still blocked and there was still phlegm, but no fever or forehead pain! So I was feeling positive! By the way, yesterday I started taking antibiotics because I typically have issues with sinuses and it sounded like they were definitely impacted. I have this fear when taking tablets that they will get stuck in my throat and always take it with lots of water and take a piece of food after too. These caps are quite big and when I took it earlier today it did feel like it hit the back of my throat, however I did drink more and eat something right after. Anyway, some time later I started feeling like something is stuck in my throat, where I can't swallow it or bring it up. At first, it seemed like a bit of very thick mucus. But then I started worrying it is the capsule! At times it feels like it almost sits between the entry to esophagus and the windpipe or going both ways! And sometimes like something is actually stuck in my chest! Now that I have had my dinner I also feel so bloated like I have never felt in my life, I think that if my stomack expands any more it will literally explode...this is definitely making it feel worse! Like air is under pressure and wants to burst up against my glottis!
Panic is really coming in waves where I start feeling my breathing is affected and belching and gagging! I am just fed up, how do I know if there is really an issue or not, because when it feels like something is inside my airways it feels pretty real! 😭 I have an SpO2 meter and if I use it and it shows my regular number I may calm down, but I am scared it will not show that! I have feelings like my throat is coated in mucus with postnasal drip and that is when I use it to reassure myself, but this does not feel like that, it feels deeper in the throat! So I am scared that this time my number will not be my normal... I am literally fed up with myself and with always having one thing after another! But the prospect of feeling like this trying to sleep is scary...

29-11-22, 21:45
I am still battling this feeling, it has been awful. I am unable to do anything without this being the focus, and at times it is so bad that I just want to disappear. Now my nose is blocked and constantly feel like I am trying to swallow my own tonsils. On top, I have been getting so bloated like you can't even imagine, there is no room for my tummy to expand any further and makes it so hard to breathe, so it feels like I am getting suffocated from all sides. It is pure torture...

04-12-22, 08:21
I am still battling this feeling, it has been awful. I am unable to do anything without this being the focus, and at times it is so bad that I just want to disappear. Now my nose is blocked and constantly feel like I am trying to swallow my own tonsils. On top, I have been getting so bloated like you can't even imagine, there is no room for my tummy to expand any further and makes it so hard to breathe, so it feels like I am getting suffocated from all sides. It is pure torture...

Those feelings are pure anxiety!!!! I get that when I take a big tablet. It’s horrible but it’s anxiety creating those feelings and the more you worry and tense and focus- the worse it will feel xxx