View Full Version : Lump in arm and night sweats

28-11-22, 08:48
I'm hoping someone will tell me I'm over reacting but I'm having a wobble about my son (21).
About 3 years ago I noticed a lump under the skin in his arm, just down from his elbow a bit. At the time I casually asked him one day what it was and put my finger on it. I remember at the time I was surprised because it felt as if the lump just disappeared when I pressed on it. I could clearly see it but couldn't feel it.
Anyway, I mentioned it to my doctor when I was in to see her again and she said it sounded like a hernia, the fact that I couldn't feel it. She said exercise can cause this and he does do a little bit a weight lifting. I was happy with this and thought no more about it until a few days ago when I saw the lump again. It just freaked me out seeing it. Then the thought comes into my head that my son often has night sweats, where he might have to change the sheets or at least rub himself down with a towel. The last time this happened was about a month ago. Might happen every month or 2 or 3 months.
I'm trying to think logically but it's hard when my anxiety is so high. He's had this lump for at least 3 years, possibly more. Surely if it was sinister then we would definitely know about it by now? And even though he can get bad night sweats, he can go weeks or a month or two without it happening (I think he sweats a bit most nights but I noticed that many years ago).

28-11-22, 12:24
Night sweats due to your fears are persistent, not every couple of months. You're taking 1+1 and coming up with 1000 here.


28-11-22, 13:19
Could be a ganglion cyst, harmless fluid filled lumps. He’s obviously not worried about it himself and 3 years is a long time.