View Full Version : TSS fear

28-11-22, 18:58
Hello. It’s been a hot minute but now I’ve found myself in a (disgusting) mess and my anxiety is back full force.

Today, I’ve done something remarkably stupid and consequently sent myself into a panic. The thing is, during the week I live in a city where I go to school - i rent a room and carry a bag with me with shampoos, lotions, my toothpaste and toothbrush.

Two weeks ago (two!!!!) i had my period and went to take a shower. The shower had no bin so I put the used pad in my lil bag to dispose of it with the rest of the trash after my shower except I FORGOT and left to go home (to a town hours away) for two weeks. I came back tonight and quickly grabbed my toothbrush without thinking or checking and have realised too late i’ve brushed my teeth with a toothbrush that’s been in a bag with a used pad (that’s been wrappped up and stuff BUT STILL) and all its bacteria.

I am now panicked and afraid i’ll get sick, get infections or TSS and die. Do you think it’s likely? :( the toothbrush was covered with a plastic thingy and it wasn’t touching the pad in any way. The bag also wasn’t zipped up but i’m still wildly afraid. I really thought I finally got my health anxiety under control but then something like this happens and I completely spiral :(

28-11-22, 19:13
You can't get TSS this way and the bacteria would be dead after 2 weeks I am sure.

28-11-22, 20:55
I was expecting you to say you'd left a tampon in for a few weeks.......Been there myself and despite the awful smell, no TSS. You'll be fine.