View Full Version : Chesty Wet Cough

28-11-22, 19:45
I have had a chesty wet cough for 5 weeks. 2 different types of antibiotics and now the dr wants an urgent chest xray (tomorrow) and phlemb test. The antibiotics have worked BIT when I do cough it is wet and I an bringing up green bits of phlemb (mainly in the mornings). We'll now I cant stop thinking I have lung cancer. The dr has said he is worried as I am only 39!

29-11-22, 18:54
When is your chest x-ray? This time of year is just nuts. When I get a bad chest cough it can last for weeks and weeks. I’m sure it’s just a long lingering thing. Good luck - keep us posted!

29-11-22, 19:08
So I put my big girls' knickers on and have had the x Ray. I am just so worried what they will find.

29-11-22, 19:08
I had it today plus a urine and cough sample (I didn't even know there was one).

30-11-22, 01:54
Good for you getting the tests! Thinking of you and hoping (and assuming!) they’ll come out normal!

30-11-22, 18:34
I have had a wet cough for the last 5 weeks (previous post) 2 courses of antibiotics didn't shift it all. I asked the Dr for another course as when I cough it was still quite wet and in the morning I tend to bring up alot of phlemb. I have now done a urine sample, cough test and a chest xray. I am absolutely petrified its cancer! I had my x ray yesterday and drs haven't got anything back. My mum who is trying to reassure me keeps saying that it would of been flagged if it was cancer and the drs would of called me. I just don't know what to think!

30-11-22, 18:48

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