View Full Version : Unusual/scary symptoms

23-11-07, 18:06
Hi, I was just wondering if this could be anxiety. I am always very nervous and sometimes for no reason I start to get really hot and sweaty. I could be doing nothing and it happens. I feel lightheaded at times, I'm constantly worrying that something is wrong. Been checked out by docs, everything checks out fine, that it's anxiety. I have a hard time believing that "its just anxiety". Sometimes I think I don't feel nervous and I have all these weird symptoms. Anyone have anything similar to mine? Thanks for the input. I appreciate it.

23-11-07, 18:34
hi sounds like anxiety to me i have same symtoms and the doc said its anxiety im not nervous bout things mine just come on out the blue .please dont worry your not alone hope you feel a bit better knowing that .tc elaine x

28-11-07, 02:37
Classic anxiety symptoms..

Get lots of rest, eat a well balanced diet and take some vitamins.. AND dont focus on it or it will make it worse.. Also anxiety doesnt have a watch, it comes when it wants too.