View Full Version : Fear of dying in childbirth - 15 weeks pregnant

30-11-22, 08:58
I’m not really sure what I’m looking for out of this post, as I know many of these thoughts are irrational and many women go through childbirth a year. I’m really struggling with sticky negative thoughts and visions of me dying during childbirth with my husband left in the room with a new baby whilst I’m being wheeled away, the thoughts are very traumatic and scary.

I’ve come across a video on my FYP on tiktok of a women sharing her experience with amniotic fluid embolism, which cannot be prevented and is very sudden and extremely life threatening, and now I’m terrified it’s going to happen to me. What was a very happy exciting time has suddenly become one filled with fear, and I’m now constantly researching/worrying/waking up in the night with a strong feeling of impending doom.

I’m ashamed to say it’s made me question whether I’ve even made the right choice in trying for a baby, which is awful I know.

I have a midwife appointment today and not sure if I should mention my fears to her.

Thanks for reading my ramble!

30-11-22, 11:48
Firstly, congratulations on your baby news! It is an exciting time full of new experiences and sensations which takes a bit of adjustment! I think lots of mums-to-be have worries about the birth, but remember that birth is something that women have been doing since forever and there are doctors, nurses and hospitals to support you.

Speak to your midwife about your concerns. If you are a sufferer of MH/anxiety/depression it is best to let them know just so that they can support you better.

Don't Google any complications of pregnancy as they are uncommon and it is not helpful for you or your baby to be under unnecessary stress. Pregnancy journeys are all different so take any friendly sharing from others with a pinch of salt. Find an antenatal group to find support from other mums to be.

Good luck!

30-11-22, 18:36
Definitely mention it to your midwife! She should be able to give you real information and also provide some comfort. Pregnancy is wonderful but also can be a very stressful time! Your hormones are all over the place and it can really exaggerate depression and anxiety. It’s also good to talk to someone!

And try to avoid triggering things. TikTok is the worst because every other person is posting about their complicated pregnancy or the one in a million genetic disorder their child was born with or their near death experience, etc. I literally JUST saw a scary pregnancy video 5 minutes ago. But these are RARE. Social media skews our understanding of reality.

Congratulations on your pregnancy! The best thing you can do is keep being open and honest with your health care providers so they can offer you the best support possible.