View Full Version : Cervical ectropion - feeling worried

01-12-22, 16:03
Hi all,

I am a 23 year old female and I've been on the combined pill for about 5 years now. This month I have experienced 2 episodes of light spotting (once was about a day after sex) once was several days after so I think unrelated. I went to my GP today to be examined and she said she thinks I have what they call a cervical ectropion - it's apparently a harmless red area/graze looking thing at the bottom of the cervix.

She did some swabs for infection and she said if they come back negative that she will refer me to have a colposcopy just as a precaution. I've done some reading online and most websites even NHS say that there is no treatment needed for an ectropion which is making me think why does she want to refer me.

I'm spiralling that maybe she does think something is wrong and that's why? But she said it is most likely due to my pill and it's common in women of my age.

I've seen lots of reassuring things about if you've had a smear test in the last 3 years you're almost certainly fine, but I've never had one due to them not being offered until 25 in the UK. I know this probably is because cervical cancer is extremely uncommon in my age group but I can't help but worry. I have also had the HPV vaccine as a teenager.

Has anyone had this before or anything similar? Just looking for a hand hold I guess as she said the referral could take up to 6 weeks!

Thank you x

01-12-22, 22:34
Hey, I’ve replied to you on a thread I’m on too, but just incase you don’t see it!
I’m going to a gynaecologist appointment tomorrow with what my GP thinks is ectropion. I went to see another GP as I had had some light spotting after intercourse. She examined me and said she could see an ulcerated bruise, or irritation. I also had the same issue about this time last year, and she also described it the same and referred me.
It’s common to be referred for this sort of thing. I personally think is just to put your mind at rest as well as the GP. My actual GP wasn’t worried this time or the last time, and was right last time with it being ectropion.
So, just to answer your concern, it is the usual to be referred to gynaecology and in fact if I were you I’d ask for it.
The last time I went, the gynaecologist was so reassuring and the nurses were lovely. He pretty much made me stop worrying before he even took a look! He examined me and put in a dye which shows the cervix better and would show any abnormalities. He just said it was an ectropion healing. Ectropion can just be a red cervix that doesn’t cause symptoms, or sometimes it can bleed, especially after sex or running etc.
Here’s a good explanation: https://www.jostrust.org.uk/information/cervix/cervical-ectropion
Let us know how you get on. Xxx ❤️