View Full Version : Is my thumb pain due to nerve damage from a recent blood test?

01-12-22, 16:27
I got a blood test 8 days ago in my left arm, and since then, my thumb and wrist have been really quite sore, aching and just mildly hurting when I bend it. This is bothersome for me because I'm left handed. I don't know whether the nurse maybe hit a nerve or tendon or something, but quite uncomfortable - not painful, or stopping daily activities or anything, but it feels the same as when you've over-excerised and you ache the next day. Would the blood test have done that? I know they usually have a hard time drawing blood from me, so it tends to hurt when they do.

I'm 35F, it was for regular blood tests for my Hypothyroid (which was fine, just my iron levels - apparently my ferritin levels are 'low normal' of 22. Maybe that explains the aches and pains?).

Anyway, I'm hoping it goes away in time, anyone ever had this?

02-12-22, 19:56
I don’t know really, it’s not something I’ve heard of but could be?! Have you tried icing them?