View Full Version : Horrendous toothache

02-12-22, 02:13
I’m really having a go with it this week. I got the flu on Saturday. On Sunday night I started with a terrible toothache. It began with constant pain for about 12 hours. Then, it died down and flared up now and then but icing my cheek helped. Last night and this morning it was horrific heat sensitivity. I couldn’t take one sip of a warm drink without excruciating pain that lingered until I iced my face.

I went to my regular dentist today and there was nothing obvious on the X-ray so she recommended an endodontist. I wasn’t able to get an appointment there until Monday.

I’m feeling the pain slightly in my face now too.

My dentist suggested maybe it’s my sinuses from the flu, but I really don’t have noticeable sinus pressure or anything more than I’ve ever had with any other cold or Covid or allergies.

Has anyone ever gotten INTENSE tooth pain from sinus pressure that eventually resolved? I’ve had tooth abscesses before and this pain is much worse.

02-12-22, 16:43
Anyone? Any ideas? I am so uncomfortable.

02-12-22, 19:52
Yes me, I got awful tooth pain from a sinus infection.
My best advice is olbas oil (I don’t know if you have it in the USA, but some kind of menthol stick that you smell to clear your nose, and also the sinus nose spray that unblocks your nose. Those worked for me. Plus constant painkillers. Sinus pain is the worst xx

02-12-22, 20:56
I had the worst tooth pain back in August and it turned out to be nerve related. I have had sinus related pain but not excruciating. If you’ve had the flu recently, that could be related.

02-12-22, 21:19
Thanks! I’m really crossing my fingers that it starts to improve soon. I want to drink tea for my sinuses but the hot water kills my tooth! Crazy. I am trying nasal spray now.

I’m really hoping I don’t end up needing a root canal on Monday.

02-12-22, 21:28
Have you tried rubbing a sensitive toothpaste on the tooth too? That helps my very sensitive tooth (which does need a root canal)

02-12-22, 21:40
No - I'll try that. It will let up now and then, but the slightest head or cold and it aches for like an hour. The advil doesn't really work, but I'm still taking it just in case!

02-12-22, 22:55
I chatted with a dentist online who said I’m describing textbook pulpitis that requires root canal. I’m sure he’s probably right because the heat sensitivity seems to be the one symptom that really points to it.

He did reassure me that there wouldn’t be infection yet since the nerve is clearly still very much alive. I guess that was my biggest worry, that I have an abscess festering all weekend. I’m sure I’ve probably gone longer with toothaches before though.

I’m so frustrated because I had to put off all this end of semester work for the flu and now it’s all due and I have this tooth pain, but I can’t really wait anymore. Now I’ll need to get a root canal right as finals week starts. Thankfully, mine are take home and not due until 12/14. But I’m so tired and this semester was so hard and now here I am with my break starting with the flu and a root canal.

I just want a break!!

03-12-22, 21:18
I'm feeling very anxious today. My throat is hurting and my cough is lingering from my flu and all I want to do is drink some hot tea to sooth it, but I can't because the hot tea makes my tooth pain excruciating! My sore throat was completely gone yesterday so it's making me a bit nervous that it's back - like it could be from a tooth infection. I know I'm really just spiraling mostly. It's just all a lot at one time.

I hate feeling unwell on the weekends because I feel so stuck without the ability to get good medical help. I have a lot of irrational anxiety that this tooth pain is a bad infection that will spread to my sinuses or elsewhere in my head. I know this is extremely unlikely, but the pain started a week ago. I hate to leave it for such a long time. My appointment is Monday morning at 10 am and I just want to get there!

I have to much to do and I'm just not in the right head space for it. I have to teach a class in 2 hours - a review session of an entire semester of Constitutional Law and I've not had much time to review my notes. And I have a memo due that I still have so much to write for... I'm just so distracted! I hoped that working would take my mind off, but it's not - it's just making me feel more flustered.

I've been in my house for a week now because of the flu and it just makes me stir crazy and extra anxious! Really, really struggling through this weekend!

04-12-22, 18:46
Being ill sucks. Not long until your appointment xx

04-12-22, 19:08
Try drinking warm tea through a Straw avoiding the bad tooth ,might help .

04-12-22, 20:05
I will try this. I just feel so all around crummy. Last night I woke up with HORRIBLE stomach pain. I think it's a combo of taking so much advil and then eating too late at night. It took about an hour to settle down. It was like nothing I've had before - pain all around my upper abdomen.

05-12-22, 22:14
Well, I saw the dentist today and had my root canal and now I'm pain free! I'm having a bit of residual anxiety, but over all I feel better today than I have since coming down with the flu 10 days ago. I think getting out of my house, taking care of this pain, and no longer having the anticipatory anxiety of the tooth problem have all helped a lot. Fingers crossed I don't get too much pain as my ibuprophen wears off, but it's been about 6 hours since I took it and so far so good.

05-12-22, 22:41
Good news might be a bit sore for a while but that will just be healing after your treatment, good luck .

06-12-22, 01:12
Oh that’s good! Keep up the painkillers for a bit as you might feel a bit beaten up x

06-12-22, 09:09
Hi Erin:DPleased you got your got your root canal,that pain in your abdomen could be from the pain pills?
It happened with me when I had a rotten tooth ache.xx

06-12-22, 11:06
That's really good news Erin :yesyes: