View Full Version : Sore throat question

23-11-07, 19:44
Hi everyone, feeling very pathetic for this question but I'm after a bit of reassurance from you guys.
I've got a sore throat which started on wedsnesday morning on the left tonsil. Now it's really swollen and red and it hurts when I swallow. The pain gets worse at certain times of the day (around 5pm I suppose it's when I haven't had enough fluids and nothing to eat since lunchtime).
The additional thing that really scares me and freaks me out is that I've got like a "lumpy" sensation inside my throat as well as a sore tonsil.
I told the doctor that and she said "That sensation is probably due to the fact that it's inflamed and swollen. It can take a week to clear, take some ibuprofen and gargle some soluble paracetamol".
Thing is I would like to check with you guys to see if anyone has ever got that and to see if it went away :blush: . My husband keeps telling me that he got that 2 years ago but I don't know if I believe him (he tends to say that to reassure me bless him)
Thank you.

23-11-07, 19:47
Sorry I forgot to say the reason why I'm worried is because I am thinking about throat cancer (although I know deep down it's probably not that) but mostly I'm worried in case my throat closes up all together and I won't be able to breathe.

23-11-07, 20:08
It depends if it is a sore throat with an infection or the longer term problem of globus hystericus I guess?

I have continous sore throats but have had the swallowing problem for over 2.5 years now!!!

23-11-07, 20:12
Thank you very much for you answer. The "lump in my throat" started at the same time as the sore throat, so since wednesday evening.

23-11-07, 20:14
Ok well hopefully it is just an infection and it will go in a few days and you will feel better.

Let us know.