View Full Version : Advice please

23-11-07, 20:29
I wonder if anyone can shed some light on this?

All of a sudden over the last 2 or 3 weeks i have been getting not what you'd call bruises but blood spots under my skin in little clusters,tiny purplish marks, always on my left arm.

I'm probably getting stupid now but i have been worry that there could be some horrible underlying cause.
i don't want to go to doctors as i would feel like i'm wasting their time.
Has anyone come across anything like this before.:shrug:

24-11-07, 02:27
Hi Nanny

I have them too!! But all over me body. So I have it worse than you, lololol:D :D :D :D :D
Sorry just trying to make light so you don't feel so anxious about it.:) :)

Seriously though, I do have them, little small red 'dots' on me arms and legs. I figured it was age. Do you think it's the same as yours? They are really small 'dots', if I don't wear my specs I can't see them,lol:ohmy:

Don't know if I've helped nanny.

Take care

http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r307/freecommenttags/Hugs/_Cyber20Hugs_2doghtSST.jpg (http://www.freecommenttags.com)

24-11-07, 02:36
my husband gets them, he is only 30 but it's almost like he damages the next layer of skin or something, but there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with him, it might be how you have injured yourself.

I think if you are worried go to your doctors, you pay for the service through your National Insurance contributions so you are entitled to go even if it is for a double check.

Hope they clear up soon :)

Take care

24-11-07, 14:52
Thanks for replies, thats ok elspeth, i don't mind you having more than me:D your reply made me smile.

Mine aren't actually red, they are blue/purplish marks, quite noticeable about the size of half a little finger nail!

i don't injure myself, thats the thing:shrug: i can go to bed without any and in the morning there they are............ driving me nuts.

your right i HAVE paid my contributions, but i don't want him to think i'm paranoid (even though i may be:wacko: ) so perhaps i'll just mention it on my next med check.

thanks again for replies, i appreciate them.

:bighug1: :bighug1:

24-11-07, 17:06
I'm no doctor but i do belive this should be checked out anyway by a doctor..?

26-11-07, 09:48
:) Thanks for advice Joe. i'll do that:)

26-11-07, 10:12
:hugs: my mother in law had this caused by her blood being slightly too thin,

they wernt worried about her but keep an eye on her, incase she needs pills.

But yes always get things checked out :hugs:

26-11-07, 12:00
oooeerrr i'm getting worried now:blush:

26-11-07, 12:11
I went through a phase of this Nanny and still sometimes get these marks on my feet and arms they look like little blood clots under the skin. Do you take propranalol or any other type of beta blocker coz mine were always worse when I was on this medication.

I did mention these to my doctor on one visit and she didn't seem worried at all.


26-11-07, 19:31
Hi Carol

yes i do take propranolol, but i have been on these meds 9 years and never had these before.
I have about 6 weeks ago been taken off my anti'd's and given new ones, wonder if that could be it:shrug:

26-11-07, 20:04
Seems quite likely it is something to do with meds Nanny. Don't think it's anything serious, I used to be constantly looking for those things but don't anymore. I am sure that I read something on the propranalol leaflet about unusual bruising. Try not to worry too much.


27-11-07, 12:30
well i haven't any at the moment they have now all faded, but if i keep getting em off to docs i'll go..

thanks all for support:hugs: