View Full Version : Dizzziness gone bad?

04-12-22, 08:32
I’ve had dizziness since January. It’s been on and off all year. (Completely ruined everything) I’ve seen a few docs who didn’t really know and a vestibular physio who gave me exercises to do - and they did get rid of it for about a month.
I’ve recently moved house and it’s come back on for about a month constantly and it’s really getting me down. Im doing the exercises again but no help yet.

Why im writing is - I’ve had the normal dizzy but over the past few days I feel like when I’m sitting In a chair- my back isn’t pressed into the chair properly? Like I feel wonky. Like my ribs are higher one side than the other. Like my back isn’t touching the chair evenly? It happens a lot with driving and I’m super aware of every little bend in the road and every time my body moves a little as the road changes. I feel like I need to keep moving on the chair to get comfy? But I just can’t?!

I think this started from doing my excercises infront of a mirror and realising I was slightly on the left when I’d finished certain movements. It really got me spooked and I obsessed about why I was left and not central.

I don’t know if I’m going absolutely crazy or it’s just pure focus and anxiety. I only recently started thinking my dizzy could be a brain tumor now I’ve started feeling wonky and it’s really really gripped me into this anxious hole. I’ve done so well all year and now health anxiety is starting up :(

Thank you for taking the time to read
katie xxx

04-12-22, 09:06
Anxiety can be the cause of your dizziness. Don’t go thinking of brain tumor you don’t have the symptoms, I am no doc, but someone who suffers terrible anxiety and depression and still suffering the dreaded long covid:mad:Medications can cause dizziness.xx

04-12-22, 10:21
Anxiety can be the cause of your dizziness. Don’t go thinking of brain tumor you don’t have the symptoms, I am no doc, but someone who suffers terrible anxiety and depression and still suffering the dreaded long covid:mad:Medications can cause dizziness.xx

Thank you so much for a lovely reply.
It’s more this new weird feeling of my body being over to the side or not feeling right that’s freaking me out. I guess dizziness can cause all sorts. Just so anxiety provoking isn’t it. You can’t really live a normal life! Xx