View Full Version : Endo tests and treatment worries

08-12-22, 18:23
I’ve actually been good about seeking reassurance here lately but the last couple of weeks I have been going off the rails with anxiety. Three weeks ago I had an appointment with an endometriosis specialist and he thinks I have endo. I have an MRI next week which I’m terrified for and then we will talk about diagnosis/excision surgery. He prescribed me norethindrone (the mini pill) which I have not yet started because I read such awful things online. I was supposed to start the first day of my cycle and my period is late now too.

Then I was telling my GI doctor about the anxiety and lack of appetite and she gave me buspar. Not starting yet either because I’m worried about side effects and how it will go with the birth control. Having terrible panic every day about all of this and also dealing with the worst pms. Anyone been through this how do you cope?

31-01-23, 22:43
My sister has endometriosis she's had it 8 years, she had the op to remove scar tissue but it just grew back, all her ovaries have acar tissue right up toxher kidneys, she has 2 children but then got endo so couldn't conceive natural so went through ivf now has a healthy 6 year old girl