View Full Version : Right sided back pain-so scared

12-12-22, 14:22
I’ve been having right sided pain for a few months, it’s now really ramping up. I can’t tell if it’s muscular or coming from an organ. It sort of spreads from behind/inside my right rib and goes down in to my hip bone. It’s like a burny, aching pain that makes me feel quite nauseous. Sometimes the pain spreads down my right leg and inside my groin. It’s much worse if I’m sitting. I feel as though there’s something swollen inside, sometimes I get a sudden throbbing somewhere inside. This pain just isn’t getting any better and I’m so scared now.
My anxious mind is telling me it’s kidney, liver or bowel cancer. I do drink a fair bit (3 nights a week), my stools are quite often soft, but never seen any blood. I suffer with reflux and take Lanzoprazole.
Has anyone had anything similar and it turned out ok?