View Full Version : Asthma

12-12-22, 23:05

About twice a year, I get a chronic cough that lasts up to a month. It's really bad and can even be painful with mild shortness of breath. I'm just wondering if an inhaler would be useful when these attacks occur. I've never been diagnosed with asthma. My dad gets the same symptoms as me, but 10 times worse. Both never smoked.


13-12-22, 09:25

About twice a year, I get a chronic cough that lasts up to a month. It's really bad and can even be painful with mild shortness of breath. I'm just wondering if an inhaler would be useful when these attacks occur. I've never been diagnosed with asthma. My dad gets the same symptoms as me, but 10 times worse. Both never smoked.


This is a question for your Doctor, not an anxiety forum.

You need to get to the bottom of why you're experiencing sporadic chronic cough, as being sporadic means there must be a reason. Commonly this can be infection, GERD, post nasal drip, allergies....none of which (I don't think - I don't know - this is why you need to see a Doctor) can be alleviated by an ashtma inhaler.

Coughing alone can cause shortness of breath as you mess up your O2/CO2 balance. Furthermore, if you are stuffed up because of PND or allergy (for example), you may be doing a lot of mouth breathing, which also contributes to shortness of breath for the same reasons.