View Full Version : Head Pressure/Head Rushes

13-12-22, 04:11
Hi guys, I’ve been dealing with head rushes I think. It feels like all the blood is rushing to or from my head and it’s so scary. It makes me feel like I’m going to have a darn stroke!! It was on and off for a while but now I’m focusing on them and they happen a lot. :(

Praying you guys have dealt with these too. They’re scary.

I’ve found a couple other posts about it that really explain what I’m feeling:



13-12-22, 17:28
Hi Hockeygirl, I'm sorry you're dealing with this! I understand how freaky this feeling can be. I am getting over the flu and my head has felt so wonky the last week. Yesterday I felt so off balance and fuzzy and wobbly that I had an absolutely massive panic attack while sitting in my boss's office. I had to quickly lie that a terrible migraine had just hit so I could rush out and go home! It was horrrrible. But, today I am reminding myself how common head symptoms are with anxiety. My head still feels full and fuzzy today, but it's entirely manageable because I know it's from my residual congestion. It only gets worse when I start to think about it or worry about going to work tomorrow (I'm off today).

Most of your symptoms are probably anxiety related, especially because you said it happens more now that you're focused on it. But, positional hypotension is also really common - when your blood pressure drops a bit when you stand up and gives you that floaty, head rush feeling. One of the most common causes is dehyrdation. So, just trying to drink more water, eat healthy, etc... could also help resolve this! I had a long bout of this where any time I stretched my body all the way up - like I stood up and reached my arms up and stretched my torso I'd almost black out! It was so bizarre, but it stopped as quickly as it started and I'm sure it was down to stress, not eating well, not drinking enough water, etc...

13-12-22, 20:50
Hi Hockeygirl, I'm sorry you're dealing with this! I understand how freaky this feeling can be. I am getting over the flu and my head has felt so wonky the last week. Yesterday I felt so off balance and fuzzy and wobbly that I had an absolutely massive panic attack while sitting in my boss's office. I had to quickly lie that a terrible migraine had just hit so I could rush out and go home! It was horrrrible. But, today I am reminding myself how common head symptoms are with anxiety. My head still feels full and fuzzy today, but it's entirely manageable because I know it's from my residual congestion. It only gets worse when I start to think about it or worry about going to work tomorrow (I'm off today).

Most of your symptoms are probably anxiety related, especially because you said it happens more now that you're focused on it. But, positional hypotension is also really common - when your blood pressure drops a bit when you stand up and gives you that floaty, head rush feeling. One of the most common causes is dehyrdation. So, just trying to drink more water, eat healthy, etc... could also help resolve this! I had a long bout of this where any time I stretched my body all the way up - like I stood up and reached my arms up and stretched my torso I'd almost black out! It was so bizarre, but it stopped as quickly as it started and I'm sure it was down to stress, not eating well, not drinking enough water, etc...

Thanks for the reply! It’s barely happened at all today, so praying this sticks! Reading other people’s head rush posts and knowing they’ve also had it a bunch, helped, I think. I also notice this a LOT more when I’m dehydrated! It’s just such a scary feeling because it’s been happening a lot and it makes me feel like I’m going to have a darn stroke lol. 😳