View Full Version : Chest concerns

14-12-22, 09:41

After a bout of super high anxiety, huge life changes and a lot of stress I developed a new concern. I have had anxiety and panic attacks for over 20 years so am acutely aware of my personal symptoms and how it manifests for me.

So when I suddenly felt like I couldn’t take a deep breath in, I wasn’t sure if it was just anxiety or something else. It panicked me and was a horrible sensation. I had it on and off for a few weeks and went to the doctors who did some checks and said my chest was clear, and that it was more than likely an anxiety symptom but if it continues then make another appointment.

It calmed down and is not there all the time, when I’m busy or distracted by other things it’s not there at all.

But I had another appointment with the doctor about something else and I just happened to mention that I was still experiencing it a little bit and I often have a weird, tightness, fullness, painful sensation (it’s hard to explain it!) in my chest accompanied by stabbing pains. She is wants to rule things out, I’ve had an ECG and it came back normal, I had full bloods and aside from low iron and a few other things that were a bit low or a bit high there was nothing to worry about there. I’m waiting for results from a chest XRay.

I’ve convinced myself I have lung cancer. Despite being quite a logical person, I also have a very illogical side when it comes to my health and my anxiety, and now I’m sure I have something serious and cannot convince myself otherwise.

The pain in my chest is worse and the sensation won’t go away. I can breathe, I can breathe deeply but I feel horse and just cannot stop worrying about it. Sharp stabbing pains all over my chest, tightness and aching can all be anxiety related, can’t they? I know this but yet I still believe the worse!

Sorry for the long post, I just needed to get my worries out and get some assurance I suppose.

Thank you.

14-12-22, 09:47
Sounds exactly like reflux to me.

I've had the same thing on and off for years. Stabbing chest pain, hoarse voice, difficulty getting a 'satisfying' breath.

Combined with anxiety, it can be quite alarming at times.

14-12-22, 13:57

Thank you for your reply.

ThatÂ’s interesting, maybe I will get some reflux meds and see if that helps.

14-12-22, 18:00

Thank you for your reply.

ThatÂ’s interesting, maybe I will get some reflux meds and see if that helps.

Probably a much better idea to identify what's causing the reflux. No point medication something that's just going to keep coming back due to triggers such as diet or stress.

19-12-22, 10:13
not been on here for ages, just came on for some reassurance as I've had a few heart attacks this morning. ;)

I can completely identify with you, right down to the normal ECG. (And probably that worry that such a quick test might miss something? ;) )

I think we are just suffering from pre-Christmas/Cost of Living Syndrome.

How about I'll believe YOU are okay if you believe I am?