View Full Version : Can bad thoughts give you cancer?

19-12-22, 13:01
I’ve been having some digestion problems (trapped wind, abdominal pains and bloating) for the past three months.

I recently had FIT, blood iron, Liver, pancreas tests - all with a clean bill of health (except for a mild Folic acid deficiency)

However, the symptoms are persisting and getting slightly worse at times.

Yesterday, I was seized by a fear that the tests had missed something and that I had liver cancer.

I then started to have visions of tumours spreading on my liver, my cells turning cancerous. They were so intense and vivid, and I was putting so much effort into them, that I started to worry that I was effectively straining to give myself cancer. Naturally, this increased my visions, which further increased my anxiety.

Now, I know that the idea of bad thoughts giving me cancer sounds silly, like an elaborate form of self-harm, but a part of me is still worried, as it only takes one rogue cell and the brain can be very powerful.

As you might expect, I didn’t get a wink of sleep last night, as my mind was filled with visions of spreading tumours, not to mention aches and pains, which were the worst that they've ever been.

So the idea of the mind giving the body cancer is irrational isn't it?

19-12-22, 14:50
So the idea of the mind giving the body cancer is irrational isn't it?

Absolutely! 100%