View Full Version : Feeling worse each day - is it panic???

24-11-07, 08:15

I have had panic/anxiety for nearly 7 years now and in the last couple of weeks it has been getting worse and worse.

I am doing a CBT course at the minute (in week 6) but I dont feel any better for it - in fact I feel a whole lot worse.

Now I am wondering whether it is panic/anxiety after all.

I am stressed at the minute, due to christmas coming up, nights out that I have to attend, working, keeping on top of housework, shopping etc etc etc.

The reason I am doubting it is panic is because I was just tidying the kitchen, not thinking about anything stressful, and all of a sudden it seemed like a switch had been turned on in my brain. My head muscles went really tight and hard and I felt really dizzy. It happened really quickly. I did then start to panic, but I am not sure it was panic that triggered it off. Does this make sense??? Do you class that as a panic attack or could it be a seizure or something??? Please help, as I am really scared now that I have something wrong with my brain. My eyes also went off focus too.

24-11-07, 18:46
Hi hun,,

it does sound like a panik attack still yes, i have these symptoms sometimes with or without the dizziness, i've been told that there may be some genetic element to why I get them as i seem to have no control over them and am rarely in a situation i would normally feel is threatening or stressful. Maybe your the same!

Of course then the vicious circle is that because your fearing these feelings you panic more!

Good luck with beating this. xxxxxxx