View Full Version : Choroidal nevus - mole behind eye

20-12-22, 01:12
This has consumed my life the past 3 months. I went to a new optician and opted to have the OCT scan as an extra. She found a "freckle" behind my eye and said she didn't think it was anything to worry about and they were fairly common but to be on the safe side she was going to refer to the hospital as sometimes they like to monitor them to ensure they dont turn into anything sinister. I had that hospital appointment this week and it was looked at and the doctor said it was an "innocent" nevus or mole, had no suspicious features and he would see me again in 6 months. But I am terrified it is a melanoma as it has never been mentioned before with previous opticians. And if it is eye melanoma there is a 50% risk of liver mestasis even if the melanoma itself is treated early and successfully. So even though the doctor has said it is fine i am terrified it will turn in the future. I don't know how to cope with this hanging over my head, I feel like my life has been put on hold. Eye cancer is rare but that hasn't helped. Also the doctor who saw me was very rushed and I didn't see the pictures myself or anything so what if he made a mistake?

20-12-22, 01:34
So what exactly makes you think that the doctor, part of whose job it is to check eye freckles for being melanoma, is wrong?

You're actually in a far safer position right now than the vast majority of other people on the planet. The vast majority of people have no clue if they have eye freckles, and even if they knew they had one, they might not have had it checked out by a doctor. So congrats, you are far less likely to have untreated melanoma growing in your eye than most other people.

Have you ever been to the dermatologist before? They literally scan your entire body in 0.05 seconds and you're out the door. It must be super easy to identify skin cancer, including melanoma, just from a glance. So I'm guessing eye melanoma would be the same.

The doctor said "it has no suspicious features"... so let your worry end right there.

24-07-24, 10:52
This has consumed my life the past 3 months. I went to a new optician and opted to have the OCT scan as an extra. She found a "freckle" behind my eye and said she didn't think it was anything to worry about and they were fairly common but to be on the safe side she was going to refer to the hospital as sometimes they like to monitor them to ensure they dont turn into anything sinister. I had that hospital appointment this week and it was looked at and the doctor said it was an "innocent" nevus or mole, had no suspicious features and he would see me again in 6 months. But I am terrified it is a melanoma as it has never been mentioned before with previous opticians. And if it is eye melanoma there is a 50% risk of liver mestasis even if the melanoma itself is treated early and successfully. So even though the doctor has said it is fine i am terrified it will turn in the future. I don't know how to cope with this hanging over my head, I feel like my life has been put on hold. Eye cancer is rare but that hasn't helped. Also the doctor who saw me was very rushed and I didn't see the pictures myself or anything so what if he made a mistake?

hi there, I am passing through the same situation. how did it go? is it still worrying you? thanks