View Full Version : Virus?

21-12-22, 08:59
Hi guys,

So not been on the board much as on the whole not been too bad with my worries but the last few days, not sure if it's the stress of Christmas, I've noticed the anxiety peaking!

I went out Friday for my work party and drank too much, big mistake as I don't drink very much, don't react well to it and know it increases my anxiety and lowers my mood so I tend to stick to an odd glass here and there. Anyway, Saturday felt awful, Sunday ok but Monday woke up and started getting ready for work and I felt really weak and shaky. I went to work but had that awful feeling of "I'm coming down with something". I then came home had another bad attack of the shakes and weak feeling after running upstairs so took myself to bed, fully expecting to wake up full of a cold or something.

Fast forward to yesterday, bit of a headache, horrible thick feeling in the throat and an odd cough here and there but nothing else. Again woke up this morning, feeling shaky, anxious, mucusy throat but that's it.

I know that there are tons of viruses around and I was out Friday night in packed places with lots of people so easily could have picked something up but because it's getting near Christmas when my anxiety spikes and I'm also feeling bad about drinking too much at the weekend, I'm worrying it's not a virus but something else.

Anyone else had similar symptoms with a virus? I've had shakes before with weakness but it usually preceeds a temperature or nasty bug and so far none of the run of the mill symptoms have materialised.

thanks for reading and hoping all of you are looking forward to the holidays.