View Full Version : Getting anxiety about having covid because of how my throat feels.

29-12-22, 17:10
I have this really dry feeling deep in my throat and it started randomly Tuesday afternoon and has persisted ever since. It sometimes makes me cough and I have to clear my throat at times. Voice sounds funny too sometimes. I don't have a fever or any other symptoms.

I took an at home covid test and it showed as negative. Though, I tend to be skeptical of those because I always feel like I messed up with doing the test somehow. So as a result, I tend to not trust the result. But I did everything the instructions said roughly. Maybe could have left the swabs in my nose a little longer but did what I could. (My eyes were watering up doing that.)

I'm not really displaying much symptoms and the at home test shows negative result. (if those can be trusted.) It's possible I could be sick with something else but I'm not sure.

I'm getting anxiety that it's covid though because I'm in a high risk group. If it is covid, I feel like I need to get some kind of antiviral medicine ASAP so I can take that while it's still early on in my infection. I don't want things to progress and get worse for me.

29-12-22, 19:39
As someone who is currently fixating on throat issues...I get it.

Not sure what part of the country you live in, but in most of the country it is cold and dry right now, which totally messes with your throat.

I wouldn't worry too much if the test was negative. If you start feeling other symptoms, maybe see if you can head to a walk-in clinic where they can get you sorted out. But from everything you've said in your post, I wouldn't worry too much.