View Full Version : brain tumor problem

24-11-07, 17:28
Hiya all,

well, i've done it again...gone and convinced myself that i have a brain tumor!
I had this slight pain that lasted for about half an hour on one part of my head, then, rubbing it I noticed that this side and particular part of my skull at the front is irregular compared to the otherside???normal???

Also sometimes get ringing in ears and lately sometimes feel a bit off balance. I went to opticians couple of weeks ago and all was fine although i did get given glasses with a slight prescription, and recently had blood tests done in relation to heart worries which turned out to be anxiety.

Please reassure me, i'm climbing the walls with anxiety.

Cassi xxx

24-11-07, 18:18

i get odd pain in different side of my head, or above my eyes, also if i feel the oppersite side of my head with my hands then they dont feel the same, its like taking a pic of one side of your face then the other, they will look different, thats why people say shoot me on my best side, not everything is simetrical (if thats how you spell it) my balance goes a fair bit which triggers other things off, thats just anxiety honest.

24-11-07, 18:18
You are having a wave of anxiety. A brain tumour is your worst fear and so you are hyper sensitive to any sensation in your head. Brain tumours do not manifest themselves on the outside of your skull. I once went to a doctor with the same fear as you and was told I had a midge bite (I had been up all night worrying!).
Its normal to get aches and pains and headaches. Our bodies are alive and are constantly having feelings. Even if you get a migraine which makes you vomit and disturbs your vision all it is is a bad headache, nothing more. Its the anxiety and heightened awareness of your body causing your upset. You are in a state of alertness and readiness, its very draining for you.
Brain tumours are very rare. I think you know you do not have a brain tumour but your mind is at the same time thinking "wouldn't that be awful?" and it would but it is not the case.
Give yourself a break, no one deserves to be so worried and caught up with their own health. As for the opticians, it sounds like you are just a bit short or long sighted.
Wind down and have a nice evening. I hope this helps.

24-11-07, 18:41
i think i do know yeah, but can't help this worrying which i know makes the anxiety physicals worse.

i'm pretty new to this so trying still to work through and find ways to alleviate. thankyou though, for now i feel reassured!

24-11-07, 21:16
just a bit of help as well, I suffer from this fear myself. My doc said to me that Opticians can often pick up any underlying problems and changes in the brain. Because the pressure in your head would change and this change will sometimes be visible in the eyes. It's not a sure test, but it's one thing he looked at when I complained about this annoying pressure feeling I get.

Eye problems can cause headaches and pains. Also remember that the way you wear your glasses and the frequency can cause headaches. for example if you have to use your glasses to read and only really use them sometimes it can make your eyes ache.

If I stress out to much about funny pain in the head, I listen to my relaxing CD and most of the time I end up forgetting what the worry was about.

Hope my rambeling helps,
Take care,

24-11-07, 21:27
I get exactly the same sensations ,

mine is migraine ass vertigo , basically the headache causes us to have off balance and dizziness. I also have the ringing and buzing in one ear and now notise I get all this leading up to my period.

You have not got a brain tumour Im sure if the optiction isnt worried,

make sure you drink plenty and relax and you should feel better soon.