View Full Version : Advice on a nervous breakdown!!!!!!!!!

fed up with it
24-11-07, 18:36
HI i have had anxiety really bad lately, cant eat, sleep, today i feel even to get up, wash and to cook the kids dinner was nearly impossible, i am concern i am having a breakdown and i wont be able to look after the kids, i have been told that i wont have one but cant stop paniking! does anyone else have this even my mind feels i have no concentration.

24-11-07, 18:54
Hi Hun,

I think what's happening here is you are letting the fear of a possible breakdown cloud your every moment. Personally i don't think you are having a breakdown but your are letting your fears replace reality.

I have also felt like this alot but always came out the other side, and so will you! just keep telling yourself this hun!


Pink Panic
24-11-07, 20:40

Like Lisa I have had days like this too when everything seemed to be impossible to do.

Do you have any relaxation cd's you could use. You will be able to look after the kids hun so don't be hard on yourself. I know these feelings are awful but they will pass.



25-11-07, 09:47
Hi Carol

You are Not having a breakdown I have had many days like this and always came through them , You have to start believing in yourself, I know how hard it is , but avoiding the situation is only going to make this much worse....

Like Pink says you must do some relaxation order the C.D from No Panic webiste and Hammer it GIRL !! , do it at every possible moment , We can all tell You what we know but You have to start believing it ,

I was sooooooooooo Much worse than You and I ALWAYS came through it Love , Pls stay at home with the girls and keep going , I KNOW things are hard and its feels so hard but you can do this ...........

Come On Carol , start fighting back Sweetie ...........


25-11-07, 13:25
Actually, i have had what I believe to be two nrevous breakdowns, of sorts, and I managed to function throughout them and lok after my dog - not as bad as two kids, but I think even if you did have a newvous breakdown (although they are never diagnosed as such nowadays), your mothering instinct would kick in and your kids would be ok. I took some happy pills for six months and stayed at home for six months, basically and then gradually I got better and am now fine - it was almost a year to the day that I felt so awful, and would never have believed I would feel so happy as I do now. You will be fine - honest!

fed up with it
25-11-07, 17:46
Hi thanks everyone, today is the same i am still here. Been to a party with the kids today, paniked and paniked some more but still here so just have to get on with it. My worse feeling is a feeling i am going to go crazy and harm someone, as i am so tense and stressed so will keep on with the cd's.
:hugs: ta all of you for your support.

Pink Panic
25-11-07, 22:16
Hi again,

Well Done on getting out despite the panic and awful feelings :yesyes: :D

The cd's will work it just takes time and you won't go crazy.

Take good care.
