View Full Version : Woke up with numb lip

03-01-23, 13:44
I woke up last night and the bottom of my right lip and maybe a little on that side of the face was completely numb like when your arm has fallen asleep. My arm had also went numb (which happens a lot to me at night) so the combo freakedddd me out. The feeling in my lip came back quickly. Could it have been caused by sleeping on it? This is a first for me. Also looks like I was biting my lip too.

03-01-23, 22:38
Really has no one ever woken up with numb lips/one side of face when sleeping? I can't find much on the internet and starting to get worried.

04-01-23, 03:44
Yes, this has happened to me before now and then. I've always put it off to the way I was sleeping and didn't think anything of it! It's only happens very rarely.

04-01-23, 05:02
Yeah my arms fall asleep all the time (they get pinned underneath me) but never my face to that extent. It did go away quickly but I'm nervous it's going to happen again tonight and I'll spiral. I'm also during that time of month and my HA fixations get crazy.

06-01-23, 04:02
It happened once, and it went away. It's not going to happen again. Don't worry about it. Don't even think about it.