View Full Version : Postpartum health anxiety

03-01-23, 18:17
Hello, it’s been a long while since I last posted on here. I had somewhat control over my anxiety for some time, was able to deal with it easier.

I’m 6 weeks postpartum and it feels so bad once again, I feel like such a failure. Everyday I am constantly worrying about things going on in my body. I had a planned c section, the recovery has been fine but I’m on edge that I have an infection all the time even though multiple medical professionals have told me my scar is healing nicely. Ive just got belly pain and it shouldn’t be a surprise but in my head it feels like hell.

I’ve also got pain going from the top of my bum cheek down to my foot, so uncomfortable that it makes me feel sick and all I can think of is blood clots all the time, non stop. It’s relentless 😓

On top of that I had a stomach bug over the weekend which was just what you need at 6 weeks PP, I don’t think that has helped the anxiety/how I’m physically feeling.

I just don’t know if I’m being irrational about my leg pain, or all the other pains. In my head it all makes sense that something bad will happen now I’m a mummy and that’s all I’ve ever wanted 😓

04-01-23, 03:37
I'm so sorry you're going through this. I didn't really have anxiety at all until my daughter was born - that's what sparked it! The pain in your leg sounds like textbook sciatica, which would be extremely common after having a baby due to the shifting of your hips!

I had a deep, crippling fear of dying and leaving my daughter behind after I became a mother. She's 8 now and it's still my biggest source of anxiety, though I've gotten much, much better with therapy.

Six weeks postpartum your hormones are still all over the place and the emotions and exhaustion coupled with the trauma your body went through are just a perfect storm for anxiety!

I used to just sit in my apartment and cry all day when my daughter was a baby. I went to urgent care like 20 times in the first 6 months of her life for everything from blood clots to lung cancer to kidney failure. It was an absolute nightmare. Finally I started therapy and it was a godsend!

Give yourself some grace and some space to feel all these feelings and definitely look for some help with the anxiety if you can! Being a new mom is impossible even without the anxiety. I wish I'd gone to therapy so much sooner.

12-01-24, 11:11
Hiya similar thing happened to me recently. My beautiful girl is 10 weeks old. I had a horrible recovery post birth.
Due to an episiotomy I bled and lost 1.5 which caused anemia. And then came home with Covid. The anemia made me feel weak and faint, to the point where I over did it one week in and nearly fainted in Tesco!
Then was investigated for palpitations which and ecg - confirmed normal. And now I have fluid in the inner ear which is causing balance issues and dizziness. I’ve hit rock bottom this week and kept thinking I was gunna die! And leave my girl and partner. It was the most scariest thing I’ve ever experienced. Just started on Sertraline 25mg today to expecting to feel shitty but now know a lot of my issues are down to health anxiety/ and postpartum anxiety.. I worry now about going out after the few days. Feel awful like I’m a bad mum as I’ve been focusing so much on myself but it’s cos I’ve been feeling so bad, I’m really hoping it passes soon just want to feel normal again and be the mum my girl deserves xx

18-01-24, 13:46
I'm sorry you're going through this! Postpartum anxiety is a beast and something that's not talked about enough. You're not alone! And you're doing the right thing starting treatment right away. I waited so long and I wish, looking back, that I'd gotten help sooner.

Do not feel like a bad mom! Yes, your baby needs you, but you're the one who just went through a massive physical trauma and emotional rollercoaster. Your little one will be just fine and needs most for you to care for yourself so you can care for her. It's a cliche that you may have heard, but I was often told in those early days that it's like when you're in an airplane - if the oxygen masks come down the instruction is to put your mask on first and THEN help anyone around you because if you stop breathing you're no help to anyone.

Good luck!!