View Full Version : Anxiety over weird irregular bleeding/strange cycle!!

04-01-23, 14:45
So for some reason the last few months have been a bit weird with my period. I came off the mini-pill in October 2022 that I had only taken for a week and a half due to extreme depression and anxiety. For some reason it also caused me to have a lengthy period for 7 days (my usual was 5 days) which then tapered off after the hormones were out of my system. However, since then in December 2022 I had a smear test which came back with high risk borderline cell changes and HPV which obviously worried me. I've tried to keep my mind off this but my periods since the mini-pill stopped have been a bit weird. The first time after that 7 day bleed it was after 27 days it appeared and I bled for 5 days (which is fair enough). But in December 2022 the period showed up after 24 days and I bled only for three days and only one of those days was heavy and one was barely anything.
Fast forward to now and I've just started spotting again (which means I'll likely be on a period soon) but it's only been 22 days since my last period!!

I used to take the combined pill in the past so my periods were always really regular but I stopped it due to my fears of HPV worsening when I originally was diagnosed a year ago. So since then my periods have been regular but heavier. Usually the 5 days bleed as said, and generally around 25 days cycle. I have a colposcopy right at the end of January, so I'm not looking forward to that (also worried my period will show up right when I'm due to get it done).

So now my mind is going into the worse case scenarios, I'm panicking this is due to the cervical changes which are worsening by the day or something or they missed something sinister on the smear test which only picked up slight changes but really it's worse?!! I know logically it COULD just be hormonal but ... my mind has been in a bad place lately due to lots of things (worrying about my mother's health, worrying about my own health conditions for other stuff, the future etc) so anything that shows up that is unexplained sends me off the rails a bit.

Can I ask anyone here what their period cycles are normally? Whether it's usual to change from month to month sometimes?!

Hope someone can clear my concerns regarding this or reassure me what this could be due to! :unsure: Thanks!