View Full Version : Nights Sweats are very bad at the moment

05-01-23, 09:37
I've been having night sweats for a long time. Years. I put it down to the antidepressants.

I've been noticing for a few months that they're worse. I wake up drenched in sweat multiple times a night. My sheets end up wet and it disturbs my sleep.

I don't have weight loss or any other symptoms but my brain is telling me I've got Cancer.

Going to speak to my doctor about this, but I'm absolutely freaking out and it's making me very depressed. Just want to know if anybody has dealt with this before.

05-01-23, 12:51
I have a callback from doctor tomorrow.

I am hoping it's related to withdrawal. I have quit cannabis and alcohol on the 1st. Not touched anything since. I'll be honest, i have been addicted to cannabis for 10 years. I can't smoke it anymore, and I refuse to. My whole family are behind me on this. I've done 5 days and it's getting easier, but I just hope the night sweats are a factor.

Then again, I've had night sweats when I was smoking and drinking so it's probably not that.

It's just scary because I am Googling the heck out of this and it's resulting in Cancer. I tried to find my old forum posts where I talked about night sweats because I posted a few back in 2021. I remember Nic telling me they had similar from antidepressants (I think).

The health anxiety from this is nasty. I've lost all drive and motivation and sit here on Google all day reading the same things over and over again, trying to find that one article that doesn't talk about Cancer.

But then, I don't have any other symptoms to indicate Cancer. So what the heck is going on I don't know.

05-01-23, 13:01
I just spoke to my brother because he mentioned a while ago he has bad night sweats. He said he still has them and right now they are as terrible as mine. He's on sertraline.

05-01-23, 14:52
It's good to ask a doctor, they will hopefully be able to put your mind and ease and offer some suggestions as to what it could be and how to manage/treat the issue.

I had night sweats frequently when I was taking antidepressants. I found they would make me have really vivid dreams and when I'd have vivid dreams I'd sweat a lot - I don't know if that was the connection but I put it together. I don't take antidepressants anymore and only rarely have night sweats now, but funnily enough they still seem to occur when I have vivid or strange dreams.

05-01-23, 16:57
It's just really frustrating Poppy. It's upsetting me now because I'm letting the anxiety beat me. I have vivid dreams too, lots of nightmares and being chased and doing horrible things.

I used to have night terrors where I'd wake up in a state of terror about an hour after falling asleep. The sweating seems to be the same trigger, happens within 30 mins of falling asleep regardless of the time of day.

Since I quit cannabis though, I want to eat the whole house!

I hope you're doing ok Poppy, good to see you around :) Happy new year.

05-01-23, 19:42
Happy new year :) Well, hopefully it's a happy one, it's been a rocky start so it's really going to have to prove it to me!

I don't think you're letting the anxiety beat you - I'm of the mind that every day we get up and carry on we are winning. The times when it feels harder, especially so.

I hope you are able to get a bit of reassurance from your GP and a little bit of peace.

06-01-23, 14:00
Happy new year :) Well, hopefully it's a happy one, it's been a rocky start so it's really going to have to prove it to me!

I don't think you're letting the anxiety beat you - I'm of the mind that every day we get up and carry on we are winning. The times when it feels harder, especially so.

I hope you are able to get a bit of reassurance from your GP and a little bit of peace.

He didn't even call me today like he was meant to :(

I feel your pain. The new year started of great then it went downhill quickly. I forgot to take my meds last night, so today is hell. I can't take them now because I'll end up asleep all day.