View Full Version : Stuffy nose and nose bleeds

05-01-23, 18:51
This may sound bizarre but for many years I've suffered panic attacks due to having a stuffy nose, and I'm constantly blowing my nose. Three weeks ago I blew my nose and it bled heavily for 10 mins which sent me into an absolute blind panic. So I became hyper aware of trying not to blow my nose so my anxiety was at number 10, on christmas night I blew my nose gently and had another heavy nose bleed. Three days ago my nose bled on its own 3 times in one night but they lasted maybe a minute. I contacted my gp and she took my blood pressure and it was 167/106 she pointed out that the nosebleeds are most probably the result of high blood pressure. She prescribed a cream to use 4 times a day and a small dose of diazepam 2mg for a week to try and calm me down. Could anyone suggest any type of coping techniques as now I'm that bad that I'm off work and in a constant state of panic. Any help would be appreciated. I'm also In my 60's. Many thanks.

06-01-23, 06:41
What types of relaxation techniques do you use? Honestly trying to incorporate some into your daily life really can help, I use the 54321 method on a daily basis, guided meditation, yoga and mindfulness all help me and doing them even when I'm feeling OK helps me maintain an even keel. Also CBT might help you manage your anxiety levels too.

06-01-23, 08:59
This may sound bizarre but for many years I've suffered panic attacks due to having a stuffy nose

Have you ever considered what might be causing the stuffy nose? As far as I'm aware it's usually caused by allergies or something in your diet.