View Full Version : Neuropathy after gestational diabetes?

06-01-23, 09:04
Hi all,

It’s been some time since I’ve been on here. That’s how my health anxiety seems to work. Either I’m having weird symptoms and panicking, or I just ignore any symptoms and explain them away until they’re gone.

my latest weird symptom is a burning feeling in my feet. Sometimes it’s my left and sometimes my right. It’s usually on the bottoms on my feet, but it’s sometimes on top or on the toes. It’s not constant. It suddenly started a few days ago. It feels like when I’ve walked too much, but I haven’t.

I had a C-section about two months ago. I also had gestational diabetes with this pregnancy, which was controlled through diet and a minimum amount of insulin. Once you have GD, you’re 50% more likely to develop the real thing sometime later in life.

My brain is telling me that “This is it. You have type 2 diabetes!” Something tells me that neuropathy doesn’t start that quickly. Of course, my brain also says I have MS or ALS.

Could this be a nerve issue from the csection incision? Do you think this could be real diabetes issues?

I’m obviously going to contact my doctor. I have also have a postpartum GD blood sugar check sometime this month. I’m just stressed because of this weird symptom.

06-01-23, 09:14
It could be postural or a side effect of the C-section. Or it could 'just be'. Oddly, I had some neuropathy a couple of months back for no apparent reason, kind of the same as you're experiencing.

In the absense of a very rare hormonal issue, T2 diabetes is 100% diet related, so even if it IS that, it's easily fixable.

The NHS in the UK is currently trying to introduce low carb diets as their main treatment for diabetes, but it'll take a long time for people to give up bread.

09-01-23, 14:24
I had gestational diabetes 31 years ago. I needed insulin and it wasn't controlled through diet. I haven't developed diabetes since.