View Full Version : Seborrheic Keratosis seems to be growing back

07-01-23, 22:09
Hi everyone. I had a seborrheic keratosis pop up on the back of my neck and my doctor removed it at the end of August. She took one look at it and knew immediately what it was - even said it had the beautiful characteristic pattern when she looked under the scope, lol. This morning I felt another bump on the back of my neck (it was just a pimple), I noticed that the spot my seborrheic keratosis was is now turning brown and seems to be growing back. has this happened to other people? I've had one other one removed, and she froze it off twice to get all of it, so I wonder if they usually take a few times? Or normally grow back?

When I googled it (I know) it said if it grows back it should be biopsied to make sure it's not cancerous. But it's Saturday, so I can't make an appointment and my anxiety is running wild.

11-01-23, 08:57
I've had two grow back...

First one took two blasts to get rid.(Wasn't biopsied and GP was totally unconcerned)

Second one came off in the bath then grew back. (Still haven't got around to getting it frozen off)

My dad had one the size of an old 50 pence piece removed..