View Full Version : Whooshing in ear goes away when I press neck

14-01-23, 00:58
Anyone else have this sometimes? I’m sitting here reading a book and it just happened and someone in a HA support group asked if it goes away when I press my neck, which it does, or at least lowers, is this something I should be concerned about??
It’s in tune with my heartbeat. Right ear only. I’ve had this on and off my whole life, mostly just when lying down sometimes…

14-01-23, 10:16
It's not a good idea to be pressing down on the veins in your neck...:huh:

P.S I have pulsatile tinnitus. (I can hear my heartbeat in my left ear)

14-01-23, 17:27
Ahhh okay, I won’t do it anymore!! Lol. I didn’t know :(
It’s on and off but ugh. It’s just annoying!

15-01-23, 06:35
It’s on and off but ugh. It’s just annoying!

Have you ever had this checked out?

15-01-23, 20:12
I agree with Nora that it's probably not a great idea to be putting pressure on your jugular.

I would say it's a good idea to get it checked out. Let your doctor know what makes the symptoms worse/subside, and let them look into it for you. It's just good common sense to get it looked at, and then you can relax when it turns out to absolutely nothing :)

15-01-23, 20:40
It’s pulsitile tinnitus. I’ve been to an ENT and there’s nothing to be done. Apparently there’s something to do with the Eustachian tube. I was diagnosed with Eustachian tube dysfunction a very long time ago. This pulsitile tinnitus showed up 23 years ago and been with me ever since. It gets worse when I’m congested.

17-01-23, 10:58
It’s pulsitile tinnitus.

Given the history, I'd imagine this to be Eustachian tube dysfunction, but we're not doctors and this is something that needs to be checked out for the OP's peace of mind, if nothing else.

23-01-23, 12:43
How are you doing today? Did you get a chance to follow up with your doctor on this?