View Full Version : Freaking out about nipple…

15-01-23, 05:45
Just wondering if this is normal or not…currently having panic attacks about my nipples. Specifically one… I find that when I’m cold one of my nipples has a white spot in the tip/very center. Kind of like, blanching? If I touch the spot on my nipple it also blanches/goes white. I feel like the other one is doing the same but not to the same extent, one is much more noticeable than the other. Has anyone experienced this? I don’t know if im explaining it well enough. Sometimes it looks normal and others it doesn’t.

02-02-23, 00:44

02-02-23, 06:39
I can’t remember anything like that but it doesn’t mean it’s not normal.
However if it’s new to you then get it looked at? Your dr will be able to check for you. Have you had your breasts checked before?

03-02-23, 18:25
Does not seem like something that you need to worry about.