View Full Version : Blood test results, trying hard to stay calm…

15-01-23, 08:58
so for the last few months I’ve been treated for uveitis and macula edema. The consultant is referring me to another specialist who’s an expert in retinal disease.
last Thursday I had a routine blood test because of the ramipril and stains I take. I’ve just seen the result and there are some out of range results I’m trying hard to not freak out about.
white cell count is 11.56 (top range 10.9)
RDW is low at 11.3 (range 11.9-14.7)
neutrophils high at 8.9 (range 2.07 - 7.59)

MCH is borderline at 31.9 (range is 27-32)

I’ve been highly stressed and highly anxious for a very long time. The last two years particularly intense and rough. I also have a ton of muscle, joint aches and pains for the last few years that I’ve mainly put down to posture, muscle tension etc.
looking at the blood results I think we all know what I’m trying hard not to think about as I’m on a hair trigger here.
But as it’s Sunday and I can’t speak to a doctor then I wanted to post really just to get it off my chest and see if anyone had any experience of these kind of results.
I’ll really appreciate any replies. Thanks.

Cynthia K. McIntosh
06-03-23, 13:39
so for the last few months I’ve been treated for uveitis and macula edema. The consultant is referring me to another specialist who’s an expert in retinal disease.
last Thursday I had a routine blood test because of the ramipril and stains I take. I’ve just seen the result and there are some out of range results I’m trying hard to not freak out about.
white cell count is 11.56 (top range 10.9)
RDW is low at 11.3 (range 11.9-14.7)
neutrophils high at 8.9 (range 2.07 - 7.59)

MCH is borderline at 31.9 (range is 27-32)

I’ve been highly stressed and highly anxious for a very long time. The last two years particularly intense and rough. I also have a ton of muscle, joint aches and pains for the last few years that I’ve mainly put down to posture, muscle tension etc.
looking at the blood results I think we all know what I’m trying hard not to think about as I’m on a hair trigger here.
But as it’s Sunday and I can’t speak to a doctor then I wanted to post really just to get it off my chest and see if anyone had any experience of these kind of results.
I’ll really appreciate any replies. Thanks.

I understand that receiving out of range blood test results can be alarming and stressful. However, it's important to remember that abnormal blood test results can have many causes, and it's not always an indication of a serious health issue.

The high white blood cell count and high neutrophil count suggest that there may be an infection or inflammation in your body. This could be related to your uveitis and macular edema, or it could be due to another underlying condition. The low RDW and borderline MCH may be related to an iron deficiency or other nutritional deficiency.

It's important to follow up with your doctor or specialist to discuss these results in more detail and determine if any further testing or treatment is necessary. In the meantime, try to stay calm and avoid jumping to conclusions or self-diagnosing. Focus on taking care of yourself by getting enough rest, eating a balanced diet, and practicing stress management techniques like meditation or deep breathing exercises.