View Full Version : Fatty liver . Please talk me down

17-01-23, 22:36
Hi all,

It’s been a while since I’ve been on this forum, and I’m sad to find myself back here. I was a serial poster ranging from Lymphoma to Als which took over my life 4 years ago . I can’t quite believe it.

Unfortunately I find myself back with a new fear . I had some blood work done as I have high blood pressure and I received a letter from the surgery asking me to call to discuss my results .

They mentioned that there were some changes to the fat around my liver and that I had put on weight. The nurse told me some basics about eating better and said to get retested in a few months. This was 5 months ago so I am probably due back but terrified

Naturally I have spiralled out of control assuming the worst and that my liver is failing . I’m 33 and yes do have the tendency to go over board at the weekends but not as much as I did in my 20s it’s quite limited now .

I’m convinced I’m getting pain in my right side after I drink alcohol which is only making me worse

Does anyone else have experience on this and any advise to stop me going down the rabbit hole . As I do that all too well .

19-01-23, 18:45
It sounds like it is lifestyle related. When I had a period in my life when I was binge drinking, I had pains on the right hand side of my abdomen. I was convinced it was gall bladder related but the first thing the GP asked me was if I had been over indulging. I was honest, he told me to cut back and it went away. This will also be causing weight gain for you.

The nurse obviously wasn't overly concerned so try cutting back, eat healthier and take some exercise. The go back and get retested. I'm sure you will be fine.

20-01-23, 22:32
I was given a fatty liver diagnoses in 2019 after a scan for abdominal pain. Here in the USA, over 50% of the population have fatty liver do to our diet (i.e fast food, fried food, chips, snacks). I like to drink from time to time and eat pretty much what I want. However, in the last 3 years, I've lost like 30 pounds of weight and started eating a little better. Even little changes in diet would help you. More veggies, less red meat and a bit less alcohol would help reduce fatty liver. My feeling here is most medical professionals are not too overly concerned with fatty liver for reasons I stated...