View Full Version : Newbie… please help 🙏🏾 Fever

19-01-23, 18:30
Thank you to anyone that might be able to help.

My son fell sick 12-13 days ago - usual flu/nasty virus symptoms. A day later I felt off, slight shivers, slight aches - my heart rate increased for 2 days (weird)…. I rested and looked after him… I ‘seemed’ fine, son ill for 5 days ish.

A couple of days later (7 days ago) I got hit by the flu/virus truck. Full on freezing, bone, muscle pain, coughing. Heart rate jumped up crazy - which seems to be normal with fever? Resting heart of 110 (no meds)… comes down to 90 with meds.

Because of the dry having cough I seem to have given myself a splitting headache, hurts mostly when I cough.

I’m mostly resting in bed, some days unable to lift my head (I was taking paracetamol-useless)… no I’m on ibuprofen (definitely helps).

If I take no drugs I still have fever which sometimes like to spike (creating a high heart rate) sometimes is sensible (heart rate 100ish).

Is it really serious to have a fever for 7 days. This never happened to me before… one minute I read that flu can last 7-14 days, other times it says fever should be gone by now.

Im freaked now - thought of hospital is making me cry. Lone parent, not much help.

I don’t feel like I have pneumonia…

Im so upset, crying really isn’t helping me but can’t help it. I’ve just moved to Spain - not on time to sort healthcare.

Thank you any kind soul who helps 🙏🏾✨

19-01-23, 18:34
I should add my resting heart is 70-80. Plus I don’t have a temp thingy to measure severity, though I know if it’s bad as my heart/chills tell me.
I had a couple of days with no massive spikes - could that be seen as improvement???😰

20-01-23, 17:20
I guess I’m on my own :(

20-01-23, 19:11
Hi lovely
that sounds really stressful, how are you feeling today? sometimes flu can take a while to completely go. I had it for 3 weeks once! x

20-01-23, 20:11
Just keep taking the painkillers and make sure you drink plenty of water. It definitely sounds like you have the flu, but I’m sure you’ll be on the mend soon.