View Full Version : anxiety attack like a seizure?

19-01-23, 21:52
Hi...returning...again, after a long time.

I am not new to panic attacks. I am much better at recognising and dealing with them now than I used to be.

Tonight was something else. I am going through a really tough time. Been trying really hard to cope and I have utilised all my tools but I think my sub conscious was struggling. I began to shake all over fairly hard but I wasn't even thinking about my life stressors, then the shaking got so bad, it was like a seizure. I couldn't stop it. I let out the most god awful noise, I don't even know where it came from. Then tears, hyperventilating etc. Anyway, calmed down the tears etc but I shook with no respite, although less severely, for over an hour. I did everything I could to help reduce it, including taking medication and now I am better but my whole body hurts from the shaking. I feel I have been in the boxing ring!

Anyone else experience panic or anxiety like this? Could it have been a seizure?

19-01-23, 23:45
Hi...returning...again, after a long time.

I am not new to panic attacks. I am much better at recognising and dealing with them now than I used to be.

Tonight was something else. I am going through a really tough time. Been trying really hard to cope and I have utilised all my tools but I think my sub conscious was struggling. I began to shake all over fairly hard but I wasn't even thinking about my life stressors, then the shaking got so bad, it was like a seizure. I couldn't stop it. I let out the most god awful noise, I don't even know where it came from. Then tears, hyperventilating etc. Anyway, calmed down the tears etc but I shook with no respite, although less severely, for over an hour. I did everything I could to help reduce it, including taking medication and now I am better but my whole body hurts from the shaking. I feel I have been in the boxing ring!

Anyone else experience panic or anxiety like this? Could it have been a seizure?

Yep, been through that multiple times. It's just a reaction to adrenaline.

You say you don't know where it came from, after saying you're going through a really tough time? You need to join those dots......

The shaking was like a fine tremor, coming in waves, almost like you were shivering from cold?

20-01-23, 06:53
Hi and thank you.

The shaking began like the chittering that you do when cold but then it became more violent so that I would say my whole body was actually jerking. Not quite as bad as a tonic clonic seizure but really not far away. That severity only lasted a few minutes and then it subsided again to uncontrollable shaking. There was no waves though, it was solid although reducing for a solid 2-3 hours.

I didn't mean I don't know where the attack came from. It was the noise that came out of me. It was like some primitive sound...weird.

Anyway, bwtter this morning but my muscles are sore all over.

20-01-23, 09:03
Hi and thank you.

The shaking began like the chittering that you do when cold but then it became more violent so that I would say my whole body was actually jerking. Not quite as bad as a tonic clonic seizure but really not far away. That severity only lasted a few minutes and then it subsided again to uncontrollable shaking. There was no waves though, it was solid although reducing for a solid 2-3 hours.

I didn't mean I don't know where the attack came from. It was the noise that came out of me. It was like some primitive sound...weird.

Anyway, bwtter this morning but my muscles are sore all over.

You're describing (almost exactly) something I've experienced multiple times over the years.

How do you even know what a tonic clonic seizure is?

20-01-23, 12:01
You're describing (almost exactly) something I've experienced multiple times over the years.

How do you even know what a tonic clonic seizure is?

Hi, in a previous job I worked with many people who had epilepsy that presented in differing ways. I needed to be able to know and describe seizures effectively

22-01-23, 13:43
Hi Happyone, I've had a panic attack similar to what you describe, it is very frightening. Just remember they don't always present in the same way. When my boyfriend has one he almost faints and shakes on the floor and has ended up in a&e (for the worrying way it presented itself) whereas nowadays when I have one I will lay very still and cry. quite a stark contrast!

Jackson Lewis
26-01-23, 09:24
Hi Happyone, I've had a panic attack similar to what you describe, it is very frightening. Just remember they don't always present in the same way. When my boyfriend has one he almost faints and shakes on the floor and has ended up in a&e (for the worrying way it presented itself) whereas nowadays when I have one I will lay very still and cry. quite a stark contrast!

Panic attacks can present differently for different people. It is important to remember that just because the symptoms may differ, it does not make the experience any less valid or severe. It is important to seek help if you are experiencing panic attacks and to communicate with your loved ones about your symptoms so they can support you.