View Full Version : Bad back/ Weird Feelings plz help

20-01-23, 12:23
Hi all, in a very dark and lonely spot at the moment- looking for a friend or anyone who may of had anything similar really. Spiralling!
I’ve had back pain (like mid back) for a few weeks on and off. I also had tingling in the left side of my spine?! Now it comes in the right sometimes too.
Then a few days ago I started with pain and aches lower back/ tail bone area. It feels seized up.
When I go to the toilet I’m very aware of it. It’s like I can feel trapped wind in my low back it that’s even possible?!
Also feels like sometimes when I walk or sit, my spine is pulling really tight.
Just now I went for a poop and felt shooting pains in my hands as a gently pushed- and off course now I’m absolutely spiralling because what on earth?!!!
I’ve convinced myself I’ve got a Tumor or my spine or something.
I also spent most of last year with undiagnosed dizziness which made me worry about Tumors too.

The only thing I can think about my back in a positive way is I changed jobs a year ago and I sit a lot more now. My posture isn’t great even though I try!!! And I’ve just lost a baby, so I did spend about a week lounging around which may have hurt my lower back.

I dunno. You know when you worry so much it just convinces you this is the end.

Thanks for reading xxxx

21-01-23, 04:04
Hi Katie!
So sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I am so sorry you are going through this. First off I am sure your hormones might need to balance out. But it might even be just a disc in your spine that is out of alignment. I had several issues with my spine over the years and I can tell you I suffer from the WORST health anxiety and was always convinced that it was something very sinister. And it always turned out to be fine. However when you are up to it, go to the doctor. You might need an Xray to see if any discs are out of alignment. In the end I had gone to a chiropractor for about a year and it really helped. I am sure you are fine. I have had the pins and needles in my spine before and it would come and go over periods of time and it ended up going away completely a few years ago. Please don't worry. Sending you lots of good thoughts.

21-01-23, 04:06
ps. I have also had bouts of dizziness and that also comes and goes over the years and I have had dr's check me out and so far it can even be considered hormonal fluctuations as well.

21-01-23, 09:50
Hi Katie!
So sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I am so sorry you are going through this. First off I am sure your hormones might need to balance out. But it might even be just a disc in your spine that is out of alignment. I had several issues with my spine over the years and I can tell you I suffer from the WORST health anxiety and was always convinced that it was something very sinister. And it always turned out to be fine. However when you are up to it, go to the doctor. You might need an Xray to see if any discs are out of alignment. In the end I had gone to a chiropractor for about a year and it really helped. I am sure you are fine. I have had the pins and needles in my spine before and it would come and go over periods of time and it ended up going away completely a few years ago. Please don't worry. Sending you lots of good thoughts.
Thank you so much for such a warm and lovely reply. It’s awful when you get yourself convinced it’s the worst thing!! I’ve got a chiropractor booked next Wednesday so I hope he can just know what’s wrong so my mind eases a little. I went to the gym for a slow walk yesterday because I’ve heard people saying about gentle exercise and it just made it feel awful! I feel deflated for trying and it just being rubbish!
Anyway, hopefully the chiro can help!
Katie xxx