View Full Version : Cat bit my hand joint, I think it's swollen, I am panicking!

21-01-23, 09:04
This morning, 7am, I tried to take away my phone from my cat who lied on it and he bit me, not so hard but also not so small, it hurt and bled. I washed it and put an antibiotic cream, I've even taken an oral antibiotic that I had at home just in case, strong antibiotic, but I am watching my hand every second and I think the joint is swollen, I don't know how much because I am panicking and can't say if it is something minor or not.

I've read all horrible experiences on Reddit and I am scared because they and Google say that hand bites are most dangerous because of joints. I am scared to spend time in hospital. I don't know what to do. I am looking my hands and comparing and this joint where he bit me looks bigger. Some people said that an oral antibiotic didn't help them and they needed an IV antibitiocs.

I don't want to go to ER because of covid and flu if I don't have but I am so scared. Will an antibitioc and an antibiotic cream help me?

I took a photo now and yes, it is swollen. https://ibb.co/VmZdJ26

21-01-23, 10:28
My sister’s pussy bit me on my calf, I just used an antibiotic cream. I think you shouldn’t read such horrible stories on Gaggle or Reddit .
The bite looked ok.x

21-01-23, 10:39
Thank you. I got bit on legs before but I've read that isn't that dangerous like hand bites, especially near joints. I really hope it won't progress, I am looking my hand constantly. I just thought the other day how my HA hasn't been active for months and now this happens and it is hell in my head all over again.

21-01-23, 10:40
When I've been bitten by cats in the past it always goes red around the area making it look swollen. The cut doesn't look too bad, you have probably worked yourself up by googling, I guarantee you'll be fine and survive many more cat bites :shades:

21-01-23, 11:05
Thanks. Yes, the cut is fine but I don't know why the joint is swollen, that's my concern. I really hope you are right.

21-01-23, 12:40
It's very normal to have swelling after a cat bite, if that helps ease your worries. I promise you'll be absolutely fine and in a few days time you'll look back and wonder why you worried so much.
I have worried about cat bites in the past when my HA was at its peak but I'm still here to tell the story ... :bighug1:

21-01-23, 12:48
A doctor from another forum told me that a wrist, hand, joints there are suspectibile to infections and that I should go that someone looks that so I'll go to the doctor soon to be sure, I'll update you. Thank you for support, it means a lot. I worried so much in my life and I am so sick and tired of that.

21-01-23, 13:04
It's natural for the area to swell a little when bitten or scratched, as your immune system is busy doing its job. That fact it's very recent seems more like normal swelling that happens with wound healing.

I'd avoid taking a random antibiotic at home because you don't know what bacteria (if any) you're targeting. Different antibiotics works for different bacteria for varied time lines, which is why a doctor needs to prescribe a course of them.

I'd just practise common sense on this one. If it gets a lot worse very quickly, or the area gets hot and painful with red streaks, it starts leaking pus, or you develop a fever, then get in touch with your doctor.

Maybe you could arrange a phone appointment with your doctor if you're concerned? That way you can discuss it without having to be around large crowds of people. They would also be able to prescribe you the correct antibiotic (if that's even needed). You'd be given oral antibiotics first anyway. A bite doesn't automatically mean a hospital stay.

I've been bitten plenty of times by lots of animals, including cats, and every single one swelled up for a couple of days. I did get a pretty deep one on my upper arm from a feral cat, and went to the doctor, but even then, they didn't give me an antibiotic.

Try your best to avoid reading horror stories online too. For every one tale of horror, there are hundreds of positive outcomes that were never written about. People who've been bitten and never got an infection wouldn't be bothered write about it online :)

Your picture looks more like a scratch, or a shallow attempted bite. Cat bites are usually deep punctures, and those are the "red flag" ones as they deliver a lot of bacteria deep down into your skin. When they talk about hand bites, they tend to mean around the knuckle joints etc, as they're extremely close to the surface of the skin, and a puncture there would cause a bit more concern. Yours seems to be much higher up, and not very deep at all.

21-01-23, 13:17
That sounds reasonable, I know I am probably panicking for no reason. The thing is, it is Saturday and my doctor doesn't work so I would wait until Monday and it can be too late or I could go to another doctor for a check up. Everyone's masked (at least I hope) so I am hoping not to catch anything.
It isn't deep, yes, but area is swollen and that is my main concern, if it wasn't I wouldn't go anywhere despite worry. I am having all bad scenarios in my head, that I'll woke up tomorrow with a double sized hand and it makes me so sick. I hope it turns out okay.
Google says that 1 in 3 people who had a hand bite were hospitalized and it really freaks me out.

21-01-23, 17:02
A doctor said that it is not swollen and then said that it is minimally swollen and gave me nothing. She said that if it gets worse that I come back. It is obviously swollen, I really don't know. I really hope nothing sinister comes out of this.

21-01-23, 17:55
A doctor said that it is not swollen and then said that it is minimally swollen and gave me nothing. She said that if it gets worse that I come back. It is obviously swollen, I really don't know. I really hope nothing sinister comes out of this.

The doctor probably meant it wasn't swollen enough to warrant any kind of concern. Just minimal swelling, which is your body reacting normally to an injury :)

21-01-23, 18:34
I hope it stays that way. It is strange that the wound isn't swollen but the joint is bigger than one on the other hand. It's not even red, just swollen.

21-01-23, 21:49
I am scared to go to sleep because I am afraid what will be when I wake up. I am tired of this childlish behaviour, when will I be an adult and stop driving myself crazy. Since early childhood just feeling fear of illness and death.

22-01-23, 00:42
Ok.. here's the deal.... I've been nipped, scratched, and bitten more times than I can count the last 12+ years. Not once did it become anything close to serious. Did it hurt? Did it swell a bit? Did it take some time to heal? The answer is YES! Heck, our new kitten decided he wanted use my leg as a rock climbing experience the other day and not only did it bleed, but I have black and blue bruises!

Every nip, bite and scratch I've gotten I've cleaned and kept antibiotic gel on it and have not had an issue. 99.9% of pet owners will affirm my post. CHILL! :yesyes: Keep it clean and put the antibiotic gel on it and you'll be fine ;)


22-01-23, 16:26
I definitely affirm
I must have a new scratch on my hand every day from my 3 terrors, it shows I'm loved I suppose ;)

22-01-23, 19:07
Another affirmation here. Worked with a lot of animals through my life, feral cats included. Have had my fair share of feline bites, scratches, bunny kicks, leg climbing, and kitty headbutts (it's SO worth it for the headbutts). I even had one drop down from a wall to land on my shoulder, and promptly dig every claw he had into me to keep his balance. I'm still here :)

22-01-23, 19:14
The worst bite I ever had was from a baby goat!

22-01-23, 23:10
The worst bite I ever had was from a baby goat!


Come to think of it, my worse bite was from a grumpy Shetland pony. It's the herbivores to watch out for!

23-01-23, 10:56
It's those giant nashers, WorryRaptor :roflmao: ;)