View Full Version : Female peeing at night issue

24-01-23, 19:48
I’m 43, female. I didn’t know that peeing at night is not normal until I took my dad to his uriology appointment.

I have an autistic 4yr old and he still sleeps with us. He has been disrupting my sleep since he was born. I never had a full undisrupted sleep and every time he wakes me up around 2/3/4am, I would need to go to pee. I’ve read now that one shall not need to pee at night. But then I won’t know. I have no issue holding my urine during day time. I go every 2-3hrs normally.

I also wake up tired every morning. I plan to talk to my doctor about sleep apnea and this pee issue next week but I can’t help starting to feel anxious now.

Anyone female around my age having similar issue of peeing at night and turns out nothing? I know I’m borderline diabetic. I just had my pelvic scan so no issue with my ovary. Late last year I went to ER for stomach ache so I had the tests for major organs (but I didn’t ask if it included my bladder. Ugh).


24-01-23, 19:53
I get up about 3 times in the night to have a wee. Normal for me

24-01-23, 19:57
I get up about 3 times in the night to have a wee. Normal for me

Thank you so much. I thought it was normal so I never bother to ask doctor.

24-01-23, 20:14
Yeah some of us do and some don't. It's one of those things I think.

24-01-23, 20:15
Me too! 2-3 times in the night. For years!

24-01-23, 20:24
Me too! 2-3 times in the night. For years!

Yes it’s been like this for me years

24-01-23, 20:25
Yeah some of us do and some don't. It's one of those things I think.

I guess If it’s bladder issue, there would be more symtoms. I don’t want to get more anxious by googling.

24-01-23, 20:38
I really don't think you should worry about it.

24-01-23, 20:48
Oh, wow! I worried I was a freak and/or diabetic. Thanks for the reassurance!

24-01-23, 21:30
No BlueIris, I know plenty of people that pee during the night. Men and women and all ages.

24-01-23, 21:32
You don’t need to google Helen, it’s very common. Just a bit annoying.

24-01-23, 21:35
Well, I'll tell you this, my sister, mother and husband - and myself - if we wake in the night, we need to go to the loo. I think in theory you don't really 'need' to go, its just that once you wake up you think you need to go and won't go back to sleep until you've been even if you're bladder doesn't have that much in it. I don't think I've had once night in the last 5 years where I've not got up once and usually 2 or three times. This is partly because I wake up a lot and have insomnia issues in meno, but nothing wrong with my bladder that I'm aware of. A few years ago I would have had a large mug of tea before bed, but that definitely woke me up needing a wee - so I avoid that now.

24-01-23, 21:49
That’s a good point Carys. And something else I sometimes do. I have a pee just before going to bed. Get all cosy and then within minutes I think I need to pee again. I think I won’t sleep until I definitely check that I’m emptied out. So I get up, maybe there’s a dribble or two but if I don’t do that the thought could keep me awake for ages.
I also think a habit can be formed with getting up to pee.

25-01-23, 05:26
That's my theory, too. If I need to do something, I pee first rather than risk not being able to concentrate.

25-01-23, 06:02
It's normal for me too. If anything disturbs me during the night the first thing I do is pee. Needing to go wakes me up. I have to be honest it did improve a little with HRT.

26-01-23, 18:57
As everyone has said, we all have our own normal for this. I'd also add that you said you're being woken up by your son. I think one of the reasons many people don't have to pee all night even though they might pee a lot during the day is that our brains kind of turn off the sensation while we sleep. That's why many can sleep a full night without disruption, wake up, and suddenly have to rush to the bathroom. So, it sounds more like your son is waking you up and THEN you have to pee, which would be completely normal.