View Full Version : Gas hobs cause cancer ?

24-01-23, 21:19
Read this article and now worried all the cooking I have been doing with a gas hob over the years will cause cancer.



I crack the window a little when I cook but do not have a vent so probably been exposed to high levels.

How worried should I be? There doesn't seem to be any percentages on the risk increase

Getting exhausted with discovering all these new things which are bad for your health!

25-01-23, 09:57
Getting exhausted with discovering all these new things which are bad for your health!

Stop reading about them then.

02-02-23, 15:45
This one is easy. Theres literally no way to know how much toxin you have been exposed to or if it will cause cancer. So dont even bother thinking about it. Just continue opening the window or consider getting a vent, or replace your gas stove with electric. Those are all sensible things you can do. But nothing can change the amount of toxin you have been exposed to in the past, so why the hell would you torture yourself by thinking about it for even a second?

Lots of people have gas stoves, lots of people dont know you are supposed to vent or open a window. I didnt know about this issue until recently, so I never did either one. Now I do both. But I also dont worry about it. Lots of people have been exposed to lots of environmental toxins. Its just a fact we have to accept. We can take sensible steps to protect ourselves, but we cant protect ourselves completely. We cant obsess over every possible thing that could hurt us.

Most cancers dont happen until old age. So even if you get cancer and die, you will still have lived a long life. You have to die of something, after all. Why worry about it?