View Full Version : Dark sparks

25-11-07, 18:31
*Not to be confused with floaters - I know what those are, this isn't them*

Sorry to be back doing this again. I've been having this symptom for a while few months, it happens maybe a handful of times every day. I'll be thinking about something else, then look at something and a dark spark appears somewhere in my visual field, sometimes in the centre, often a bit outwards. They're there for about a couple of seconds before going. Ovally, random small patches. Sort fo like how you get little patches of greeny colours linger, but these go faster.

It's really blacky purply and sharp against whatever I'm looking at - even when I'm in the dark! It sometimes has a very fine yellowy fuzz outline. It'll only be a random little blobbly fleck appearig in my vision, sometimes appearing to fizz in and out again. About half the size of your little finger's nail at arm's length, sometimes bigger. It appears darting my eyes around causes it (though it only ever takes me by sprurise - I can't 'command' it to happen) and moving my eyes around gets rid of it.

I don't know what causes this, I have my suspicions but I don't want to look it up on the internet. I hope other people can relate and that it's nothing serious? :(

26-11-07, 11:01
Hi, I have these, I have black blobs floating across my vision sometimes they are there and then they disapear. They are called floaters and are harmless. Hope this puts your mind at rest if not I would go to the opictians for a check.
Wishing you well:hugs:

26-11-07, 13:24
No no, these aren't floaters. I appreciate you replying though. These are like dark electrical sparks that appear for a second, mainly when I move my eyes. I'll edit my post.

26-11-07, 19:58
Oh god, I found this thread http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=24498&highlight=black+spots and there's a bit where someone said "The time to panic is if you lose part of your vision or get tunnel vision or sudden rush of black spots down vision". Anyone able to elaborate? I'm thinking it's signs of a brain tumour and no-one's replying to my post with similar experiences so I really think this must be something bad.

27-11-07, 01:16

I get these also. I have had them for years so i'm hoping if they were anything to worry about i'd know by now. Try not to worry (easier said than done). I have had my eyes checked by the optician several times and mentioned them to him, he didn't seem concerned.

Hopefully they will ease off and you will feel better. If you're still worried, go have a chat with an optician who can run tests but you're not alone, i know what they're like :)
